One of the most fun things in all of fighting games is discovering / seeing new interactions that you didn’t know were possible, which can carry on for years after a title is released.
Street Fighter 6 is still relatively fresh in the grand scheme of the genre, but this recent match conclusion shared by HB|DoctaAfrikan caught us by surprise in the most hilarious way.
Things start out normal enough with DoctaAfrikan finishing Kimberly’s Super against Marisa, leaving the gladiator with just a sliver of health left.
He follows that up with setting up a spray paint bomb on the ground for some protection, but the Master ranked Marisa would try and brute force her way in of course with a Drive Rush into a Drive Impact to try and get the checkmate with her Critical Art before the explosive got her.
Marisa still blew up a few frames after landing the stun against Kimberly, however, technically ending the round in the ninja’s favor.
The game didn’t cut immediately into the win pose, but actually played out the whole dizzy animation including Kimberly falling directly on top of the knocked out Marisa before getting back up after a few seconds and finally getting to the win screen.
We’re kinda surprised we don’t see this type of interaction more often since all it really requires is a delayed / disjointed hitbox attack like Blanka-chan dolls, Dhalsim’s bouncing fireball or JP’s Departure spikes colliding with a character’s Drive Impact at no health.
This isn’t really some super important tech or anything, but I guess now we know what can happen in these situations and have a laugh about it.
Ninja sh*t
— HB | DoctaAfrikan.EX (@DoctaAfrikan) January 8, 2024