‘We have plans as far as Season 3’

'We have plans as far as Season 3'

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves producer Yasuyuki Oda recently sat down for an interview with 4gamer to talk all about SNK’s upcoming new installment to the Fatal Fury franchise, and in it he revealed some exciting information regarding plans for the game’s future roster.

With as long a history and as many entries as the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters franchises have to offer (recent King of Fighters and classic Fatal Fury may not share official canon, but characters are surely still up for grabs) 4gamer inquired about how broad the character spectrum might be. Oda’s answer doesn’t tell us who, but it does indicate that the development team already has plans to nearly double the launch roster.

“Well… We did say that for the launch, we’ll have 17 characters and with the downloadable content after we’re adding 5 more, so for Season 1 there will be a total of 22 characters,” establishes Oda. “As of right now, we have plans as far as a Season 3 so by the end we’re hoping we’ll have a pretty broad spectrum of characters available.”

If Oda and his team are to follow the pattern they’re currently establishing and release five additional characters every season for City of the Wolves, that implies they’ve already got their sights set on 10 more beyond the game’s first year after launch.

That may be getting a tad ahead of things, of course, as we’re still awaiting some final reveals for City of the Wolves’ launch roster. As of now SNK has unveiled 11 of the 17 initial fighters, meaning that we have six more still under wraps.

Developers hit us with major news at the end of September when they revealed two of the five Season 1 DLC characters would be guests from Street Fighter: Ken Masters and Chun-Li, and these are the only DLC characters whose identities we have at this point.

“Of course, it’d be difficult to get in all the characters that fans are asking for,” Oda continues, “but we want to try our best to respond to their wishes as best possible. We’re also thinking we’ll announce some characters that’ll surprise people in the not-so-distant future.”

We wait with bated breath for that not so distant future to come into fruition, but in the meantime you can hear Oda speak on why SNK chose Ken and Chun-Li instead of Ryu to guest star in City of the Wolves.

City of the Wolves launches early 2025 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Steam, and Epic Games Store. Pre-order DLC characters, including Ken and Chun-Li, with the Season 1 pass in the Special Edition ($59.99).

Editor’s note: Thanks to Nick “MajinTenshinhan” Taylor for the Japanese to English translation.
