Afiong Ndem,CRS-MOI Officer,reporting from Min. of Sustainable Development.

As part of its core mandate to reduce poverty in the State, by providing the necessary amenities to the core poor and down trodden in the society, the Ministry of Sustainable Development Goals has successfully intervened in different thematic areas of Education, Health, Sanitation and  Provision of potable water in all the Local Government Areas of the State.

Speaking at the Ministry of Information and Orientation’s 2nd Monthly Ministerial Press Briefing, the Commissioner for Sustainable Development Goals,Mr. Oliver Orok stated that Governor Ben. Ayade has brought succour to several communities in the State where these basic amenities were lacking through the Sustainable Development Goals Interventions by providing Counterpart Funding to aid the execution of projects.

Mr Orok maintained that the Ministry has intervened in the areas of provision of Skip bins for refuse dumping and trucks for the timely evacuation of waste to help maintain a clean and conducive environment for its citizens.

In the health sector, the SDG Commissioner pointed out that there have been Interventions in several hospitals across the State,noting that some of which are the School of Midwifery,Ogoja, School of Nursing, Calabar, supplies of diagnostic facilities to the Government House Clinic and General Hospital, Calabar.

In the area of provision of potable water,Mr. Orok stated that 24 Solar Powered boreholes have been situated at strategic places in different communities in the State where the indigenes used to trek a long distance of close to 2hrs to get drinking water,emphasizing that the Governor has done these interventions to keep his promise of taking governance to every nook and cranny of the State.

Reacting to questions on areas yet to be covered iin the Ministry’s  intervention programmes, the SDGs Commissioner said with the provision of additional 250million Counterpart Funding by the State Governor and another 250million from the Federal Government,the execution of 38 projects and other remaining areas will commence next month.

Mr Orok used the opportunity to commend Governor Ayade’s initiative to create a full fledged Ministry of Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)to be able to tackle the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in the State.