Love Eshiet writes…
(Caveat: This post may not resonate well with some of us, but please do a deep introspection and see how you can adjust)
While it is a personal stuff, I am beginning to worry about how some of us practically live our lives on social media. Some of us don’t have privacy any longer. You upload pictures of what you do at home, even in your bedroom (with your wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend and even manfriend), what you do on you way to work, at work, on your way back and so on.
If you are traveling, the whole world must know. If you want to buy something or you have bought it, the whole world must hear about it. You must take pictures everywhere you go. We hardly worry about the security implications of all these.
Your facebook friends can tell of your routine. Yet, they have never met you in person. They have idea of how your bedroom looks like. They know the car you drive, they know where your house is and even know the
places you have visited!
I told a lady yesterday that it is easy for someone to know if you are into ‘aristo’ (a socially acceptable word for campus prostitution). She asked why. And I explained:
Most young ladies like taking photographs everywhere to upload on social media. I said if someone notices that you have pictures taken inside different cars and hotel rooms (most ladies do this and they don’t even know the message such photos send out about them) and most discerning observers know hotel rooms from a bedroom, he or she will easily conclude you don’t take such pictures during evangelism!
Before Facebook, we had our lives. Above all, we had our privacy. We should not lose it to social media. You can celebrate your birthday or that of loved ones. That is once in a year. But you don’t have to expose all your daily routines, undertakings and above all ACHIEVEMENTS on Facebook.
Someone in Australia knows what you had for dinner yesterday. He knows what you just bought for your child or your wife. Haba!
Some people achieve more than you but you don’t hear about it. While admitting it is your life and can live I as you like, but you are one of us.
We cherish your safety…