By Greg Bondar
New South Wales – the last state to decriminalize the killing of the elderly and vulnerable – is now the next ‘killing state’ as of Tuesday 28th November 2023.
Disappointingly, a handful of doctors have ‘trained up’ to be part of this ‘kill bill’ instead of saving lives under the AMA’s adoption of the World Medical Association’s (WMA) Declaration of Geneva, part of which says that doctors “…will maintain the utmost respect for human life…”
The new Voluntary Assisted Dying law, better known as ‘Voluntary Assisted Suicide’ is saying that some lives are not worth living and placing the most vulnerable members of society at risk of coercion and elder abuse including getting an early inheritance and taking over the family home which two dangers when children have an enduring power of attorney for an ageing Mum or Dad.
Alex Greenwich’s deadly bill has become law due to intense pressure from anti-life lobbyists. The fact is that the new law is an outrageous attack on the sanctity of human life.
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As a society, we should be seeking to enhance the care – especially palliative treatment – made available to those suffering terribly from illness and disease. Instead, proponents of euthanasia only wish to rush headlong down a slippery slope of turning doctors into killers.
No amount of euthanasia ‘safeguards’ will protect against abuse, such as limiting it to certain categories of people. Instead, once any so-called ‘right-to-die’ is established we can only expect incremental extension with rabid activists mounting pressure on politicians to expand those who ‘qualify’ for killing procedures.
All human life has an inherent value and so must be treated with dignity and respect.
It’s time to cut through the misinformation and clouds of emotion spruiked by the left-wing anti-life lobby and instead stand up for the preservation of life.