It’s a feat, in and of itself, to grind all the way up to reach Master Rank in Street Fighter 6, but as many have found that’s where an all new challenge awaits. The Master system in this latest Street Fighter entry feels as accurate as it does unforgiving as the highest-ranked online players can climb just as easily as they can fall.
X user CatCammy6 has put together informative graphs breaking down the MR rankings in interesting ways. CatCammy’s research shows us which characters have the most and fewest Master Ranked players, the average MR for each character, and more.
For their first major challenge, SF6 players grind for League Points (LP) through the game’s early ranks. Wins often grant more LP than losses detract, so even if a player is losing a bit more often than they win, they can still reach Master if they put in the time.
That changes once Master Rank is achieved as players are given a new ranking indicator (MR) which starts at 1500. From here it’s all based on wins and losses as you stand to gain as much as you stand to lose, and this total is calculated based on the difference in MR between any two given competitors.
Instead of worrying about ranks like Diamond, Platinum, or Gold, players now distinguish themselves more or less based on MR totals. Getting from the 1500’s to the 1600’s is seen as the next significant jump, and each hundred point mile marker indicates a rough new class.
Players can drop below 1500 if they lose, however, instead of dropping back into Diamond or other lower ranks. This system accurately depicts where players are currently at with their SF6 skills and demands real growth, as once you’ve hit a personal plateau there’s no way forward but to start winning more consistently against similarly-ranked opponents.
CammyCat’s four graphs below break down the recent MR placings for SF6 (since totals were reset about a month back). The first of these shows how popular each character is in the Master ranks, and it should come as no surprise to see Ken leading the pack with nearly 7,000 reps and Lily trailing with around 1,500.
The second graph highlights the distribution of MR point totals across each character. Regardless of the character, the majority of Masters are somewhere between 1500 and 1600 points.
The third graph offers the average MR across each character as well as the overall average (1496). Rashid is currently doing the best, pound for pound, while Ryu Masters collectively bring up the caboose with an average rank of 1460.
Finally the fourth graph shows the percentage of Masters per character. So 5% of all Ken users have reached Master while just under 2% of all Lily users have done so. Check out the data below and let us know if you’re doing better than you may have thought you were in the comments after.
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