Vast majority of Republicans still will vote for Trump in November

Vast majority of Republicans still will vote for Trump in November

By Nathan L. Gonzales, CQ-Roll Call

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump is on his way to a third consecutive GOP presidential nomination, but will Republicans who didn’t vote for him in the primary go for President Joe Biden? Probably not.

Forty-nine percent of Republican caucus goers didn’t support Trump in Iowa. Forty-five percent of New Hampshire Republican primary voters didn’t vote for him either. And 40% of Republican primary voters in South Carolina supported former Gov. Nikki Haley.

Considering Trump is the de facto incumbent in the GOP race, this could be a warning sign for the former president and two-time nominee that his support within the party is soft and there’s a risk that Republicans won’t support him in the general election.

But, in the end, history suggests the vast majority of Republicans will support him, even if they preferred an alternative in the primary or have concerns about his character and candidacy.
