University of Calabar Teaching Hospital: A big for nothing building —by Phylo Modlin Odu

University of Calabar Teaching Hospital: A big for nothing building —by Phylo Modlin Odu

8 April 2018 
Over the years as a student in University of Calabar (UNICAL), a lot of irregularities have bit my imagination but none is compared to the abysmally superfluous unethical activities going on in the University's Teaching Hospital. 
Where do I start from sef? Is it the unavailability of doctors who possibly have private hospitals elsewhere thus, becoming necessarily unavailable to attend to patients? Is it the very wicked, callous, disrespectful, nonchalant attitude of nurses towards patients, or the ridiculous amount they charge for every single thing or the unnecessary demands that patients should provide treatment materials which they end up not using? Certainly, in UCTH, medical profession has lost its nobility. 
I never knew voluntary blood donation is sold out to patients however critical the case is, its cash at hand or no treatment. Where the bloody hell is the oath they swore to save lives? Can you imagine an unskilled attendant got me injured while piercing to get blood, he didn't do it by mistake but out of total clueless ness and refusal to learn from a more knowledgeable colleague who repeatedly showed him what to do.
UCTH is far below standard and must be checked because out of 10 emergency cases, just 3 may likely come out alive due to poor medical facilities and attention. A common headache can get someone killed in that hospital. No one cares about the condition of a patient until it becomes critical. 
The size of the hospital requires adequate materials good equipments and qualified medical practitioners else, it should be shut down and the building used as hostel for the great number of stranded students. The magnificence of the building is a good invitation to total exploitation and usually deaths.
Phylo Modlin Odu
Writes from Calabar