UNICAL STUDENTS' UNION PROTEST: I wish to inform that what transpired in UNICAL can be described as a 'Chronological push ' -Adjah Adjah

UNICAL STUDENTS' UNION PROTEST: I wish to inform that what transpired in UNICAL can be described as a 'Chronological push ' -Adjah Adjah

Nelson Osuala|19 October 2015|05:58am

Without irrefutable evidence, the challenges that have bedeviled  Nigerian tertiary institutions has lingered on for over two decades now.  It is said that “If you do the same thing you have always done in the same way, you will have the same result you have always had”.

Experts and governmental agencies no doubt have sort ways to better impress, redress and possibly address the problems plaguing the youths upon which the development of a Nation hang on, but all to no avail.

It is said that those who do not know History repeat it. It is upon the above that I wish to intimate my readers on the true reasons why the University of Calabar shut down for two weeks compulsory holiday.

The sources of this information is authentic and reliable as they told NEGROIDHAVEN in an interview that their argument should not be quoted without equivocation and adulteration.

The above caption for this article is deliberate as we hope to reveal all the nuances that led to the protest of students( Malabites and Malabresses) in the University of Calabar agora.

What follows is a excerpt from an exclusive interview which NEGROIDHAVEN had with the former president of NACRISS – world wide, Hon. Sen. Adjah Adjah, who gave a first hand information as to the events of that protest.

Negroid Haven: Sir, there have been several stories paraded as to the reasons why the University of Calabar was allegedly “under lock and key ” for two weeks. Some say that the students went bizarre and irrationally started an uncontrolled rampage.

others say it was due to a cult Duel.  No doubt, these premises contain True-False contents and from my training as a Logician, I am reminded about the fact that
” A thing cannot be, and not be at the same time”. So Please, kindly tell us what exactly led to the protest?

Adjah:Well, I am also aware of those baseless rumours flying around, sometimes we can't help it. 
On that fateful day of the incidence,  I called the incumbent president of the Student Union Government, Ekpo Tete, and enquired from him about what was happening.

He gave me a detailed account of what led to the supposed uproar but assured me it is an organised peaceful protest of students against the excesses of the management of the institution. This is what I hope to tell the public. But to begin with, I wish to inform that what transpired in UNICAL can be described as a 'Chronological push '. By this, I mean to say that it reflects a bottled up emotive pain, frustration and aggravated torture which the students have been experiencing over the years. And which from time to time, would be let loosed at least bit by bit especially when the centre seems to hold no longer.”
In summary,  the exact reasons for the protest are as follows :

*There were reported and repeated cases of sexual harassment of students by lecturers .

Attempted and Alleged cases of Rape where-in the perpetrator goes caught free with shoulders high while the victim is condemned to her fate. 

Sen. Adjah Adjah told NEGROIDHAVEN in an exclusive interview that there was a foremost incidence of the above perpetrated by the Dean of Law Faculty, who allegedly and forcefully raped a 400L female Law student of the University of Calabar institution.

“The university's disciplinary committee, forgetting that such immoral act is a criminal offence, only gave the lecturer a suspension as if that would suffice as an equitable justice for the victim.” 

He (Adjah Adjah) was disappointed about the way the matter was handled by the management informed that it was treated with laxity and naivety.

He wondered why the management would become so passively alienated, insensitive, myopic as to the psychological trauma and stigma such inhumane act will cause the victim including other numerous silent victims of such acts-cum-the resultant effect of such barbaric acts on Malabites and Malabresses.

Other causes of the alleged peaceful protest of Malabites and Malabresses in the UNICAL agora is the issue of inadequate lecture room, hostel accommodations,  basic and social amenities such as the issue of epileptic power supply, inconsistent and unhygienic drinking water, toilet facilities, etc.

These are many issues that led to the protest in the Malabor Republik.

” I have been in the struggle for Nigerian Students for a long time back in my school days. And I have consciously fought against these ill treatment of the Management against Nigerian students as a Unionists”.

“In one of those occasions, I was arrested and branded a cultist-cum-an attempted rapist of the Vice Chancellor's daughter”. “All these were baseless accusations aimed at bringing me to disrepute and in the guise of silencing the voice that shouts for deliverance from slavery and ignorance” he said .

“Some of my friends in the struggle and fellow Unionists were also arrested and detained for days just to put fear in us and make us withdraw to our shells and to our tent” like the Biblical Israelites who rather than fight for a noble cause became affrighted and ran.
Negroid Haven : Sir,  Why didn't the students communicate their plight to the Management using the appropriate quarters when they seems to be under this supposed burden of slavery and denial?

Our interviewee, the former president of NACRISS WW, in answering this question argues that, prior to this time, students had actually being complaining to the management of the institution about the deplorable state of the hostels especially that of Hall 4 and 6 of the Male Hostel and Hall 8 and 9 of the female students respectively.

Adjah: “… rather than respond adequately to the cry of Nigerian students, the management rather threw deaf ears to it, refusing to come to the plight of the students while they continue to impoverish the parents and guardians of these students through continuous levy and hike of school fees and insurance taxes to say the least”.

Other sundry issues like a bridge in communication between the Management and the students also led to the protest,  He added.

The Honorable Emeritus president (Adjah Adjah) told NEGROIDHAVEN in that interview of Tuesday, the 13th of October 2015, that it is no exaggeration that the above highlighted problems which have lingered and have long been managed, would necessarily one day lead to a need for CHANGE especially now that ” OBI IS NO LONGER A BOY and SIMBI IS NO LONGER A GIRL”. As they have now metamorphosed via education and experience into a MAN and a LADY respectively.

The consequence was that the school be shut down for two weeks to enable all stakeholders deliberate and seek for better ways to improve the standard of Education and life in Malabor Republik (UNICAL).

This decision thus taken by the University's Governing council would mean that academic activities will be on hold, students themselves would begin to engage in unprofitable ventures than lazing around especially if such a student is not disciplined enough and armed with self control.


Adjah: Sir, having discussed at Length on the issues that led to the Closure of University of Calabar, what do you think should be done by Management and students alike in order to arrest the future occurrence of this issues of strike actions and protests of students particularly in University of Calabar.

As to the question of a solution to these problem and the incessant strike actions recorded mostly in UNICAL, Sen. Adjah Adjah argues that, To restore the lost glory of UNICAL, All hands must be on deck. The management should ensure that the needs of students are met through providing adequate and comfortable learning environment.

Ensuring that discipline is instilled and that punishment is meted out adequately without fear nor favour.

They must ensure that lecturers engage in research as this will help them in impacting new knowledge rather than the old redundant limited knowledge.

The students on the other hand must do their studies and live a disciplined moral and social life,  bearing in mind that they are the future leaders of Tomorrow.

Drop your comments here please.