Unical Best Graduating Student With 4.84 CGPA Sets New Academic Record.

Unical Best Graduating Student With 4.84 CGPA Sets New Academic Record.

Nelson A.Osuala[8 July 2016] 6:25AM

Never has anyone achieved such feat in the university of calabar agora!

Egbe Agala Eja, blazed the trail by graduating as the best student with a CGPA of 4.84 on a 5 point scale.

The student who was of  Histopathology, Department of Medical Laboratory Science (MLS), was awarded the prize for Excellence in the recent convocation ceremony by the institution. This is indeed a new high flying academic  record in the institution.

NHB garnered that such record is the first of its kind in the 29-year history of the department.

The young scholar was during the his induction, offered an automatic employment by the University on completion of his internship programme and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

In an open speech, he thanked the management for the kind gesture, but also brought her attention to the urgent need to provide modern laboratory equipment in order to enhance advanced analytical procedures like autoradiography and molecular biology in the  institution.

However, he sang the praise of the University and gave her kudos  for remaining the foremost institution for the study of Medical Lab Science in the country but begged that improvement be made in specific areas as afore mentioned.

In the same vein, the interim Registrar of MSLCN, Mr. Godwin Akpitaye, while addressing the graduating students of the department, advised that they should improve on the knowledge acquired in school and be conversant with the new techniques, stressing that there is no short- cut to achieving success in the profession.

Nelson A. Osuala is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of NegroidHaven.