Unbelievable Darkstalkers cosplay of Victor brings the Frankenstein monster to life in giant body suit with glowing eyes

Unbelievable Darkstalkers cosplay of Victor brings the Frankenstein monster to life in giant body suit with glowing eyes

If you were to think about Darkstalkers cosplay, your mind would probably go immediately to the likes of Morrigan and Lilith, but obviously fans are going to have more favorite characters than just those two that they love.

Talented Japanese cosplayer Haru Ikawa recently brought out his finished work to a convention as Victor von Gerdenheim, and it’s definitely one of the most impressive costumes we’ve ever seen brought to life like this.

Instead of just settling for some body paint and attaching some bolts to his head, Ikawa went above and beyond with some master craftsmanship that took months to complete.

Haru sculpted out what is basically a giant body suit of the Frankenstein’s monster homage of the character’s torso, head and arms that is incredibly detailed.

You can see the veins sticking out of Victor’s skin as well as his massive scars, which just gets better the closer you look at it.

Ikawa’s work on the head is perhaps the most impressive piece of them all too with the perfectly sculpted face and hair along with eyes that glow.

Our only wonder is how the heck he manages to breathe in that suit.

Haru was finally able to show off this completed cosplay of his favorite fighting game character at Comic City Vega 2024 in Tokyo, which of course caught some attention.

Even the legendary Capcom artist / designer Akiman took notice of this special creation.

Ikawa previously showed off some work-in-progress photos of the suit earlier this Spring and Summer that shows what Victor was looking like when initially coming together, which is even cooler to see from a technical standpoint.

Unfortunately, it’s been a long time since we’ve gotten to see Victor in a new fighting game since he’s been consistently passed over for Capcom’s crossover titles in favor of more popular characters like Morrigan, Felicia, Hsien-Ko, and Jedah while Darkstalkers itself has been dormant for decades (outside of compilations like the Capcom Fighting Collection).

Perhaps he’ll finally get a chance to shine in Capcom vs. SNK 3 or Marvel vs. Capcom 4 if those ever come to fruition like the developers have been talking about lately.

You can find even more great body and armor suits on Ikawa’s X / Twitter page if you enjoyed his work on Victor here.
