Ukrainian abbot drafted into army

Tereblia, Zakarpattia Province, Ukraine, September 2, 2024     

The abbot of a monastery of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church in western Ukraine has been drafted and sent for military training.

Archimandrite Varlaam (Didenko) of the Khust Diocese’s Holy Transfiguration Monastery in the village of Tereblia, Zakarpattia Province, announced on Saturday:

Dear brothers and sisters, yesterday after arriving at the Uzhgorod Territorial Recruitment Center, I was directed to a training center in Rivne. I ask everyone to pray for me and support our monastery. With respect and love, your Archimandrite Varlaam.

A message from the Khust Diocese reads:

We ask for prayers for the abbot of the Holy Transfiguration monastery, Archimandrite Varlaam (Didenko).


In the early 1920s, Igumen Job (Voitishin) became the priest of the village of Tereblia and decided to establish a monastery there. Local residents pointed out to Hegumen Job a location about a mile west of the village.

Yuri Popovich donated a hectare of his land for the monastery, and construction began. In 1923, Popovich gifted his house to Igumen Job, which was moved and placed near the chapel of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. As the number of brothers increased, they began to build a monastic building.

In the 1930s, a house church of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos was built adjacent to the monastic building. After this, a stone church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was erected.

In 1959-1960, St. Job of Ugolka (Kundrya, †1985) lived in asceticism at the monastery. Soon after, the monastery was closed, and its buildings were subsequently destroyed.

In 1993, the restored Church of the Transfiguration was consecrated, and in 2001, the monastery was reopened.

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