TSA To Roll Out Orwellian Airport of The Future in 2024

TSA To Roll Out Orwellian Airport of The Future in 2024
Non-human screening technologies will soon become feasible at various venues

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is seeking to reduce human-to-human contact while increasing the thoroughness of screening procedures via the use of new surveillance devices such as body-scanning pods travelers will be closed up inside of, to advanced biometric technologies such as fingerprints, eyeball scans and facial recognition, all under the guise of speeding up the security screening process and reducing the risk of disease.

In a Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) press release dated Nov. 30 the federal agency revealed several technologies under development by their Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T) Screening at Speed Program (SaS) which seek to further the surveillance and inspection of travelers, moving away from invasive pat-downs by Transportation Security Officers (TSO) to invasive machine-based searches and scans, while incorporating the current body scanner component into the new non-human systems.

“As you walk up, you don’t need to have a human say, ‘Come on in,’” Ha McNeill, a former TSA chief of staff who worked on research and development projects for the agency told The Post. “The e-gate opens and the machine screens your body. If there is something you have forgotten to divest—let’s say you forgot your car keys in your pocket—then the back gate doesn’t open. It tells you to go back and take it out of your pocket and then come back in.”

In late 2021, S&T awarded four contracts to three companies: Micro-X, Vanderlande Industries and Voxel Radar to create the traveler screening machines of the future. While the first body scanners rolled out in airports around 2007 used ionizing radiation, the ones used for the last decade utilize millimeter wave electromagnetic radiation, similar to 5G cellular systems.

“S&T is pushing the envelope to develop new technologies and concepts to enable the airport of the future,” S&T Under Secretary Dr. Dimitri Kusnezo said. “Self-service screening is a step toward building that future.”

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The mechanisms to which this rapid screening of passengers and their belongings range from the Micro-X pod-based systems passengers will be required to go inside, to Voxel Radar’s system of sensors that will line walls to scan passengers while removing their belongings. Vanderlande’s system incorporates four stations within the checkpoint, each station will instruct the traveler on what to do as they are monitored for compliance via video cameras. The DHS press release states if a passenger who’s entered the ‘passenger portal’ machine did not remove an item from their pocket the entry door of the machine reopens so the passenger can remove the item before stepping back inside for re-screening. Once the machine is satisfied with what is likely a millimeter wave body scan, it will open the exit door and usher them out.

“We are very excited to see how far these capabilities have come in a relatively short amount of time,” Christina Peach, Branch Manager for the TSA ITF said. “The airport security experience that we’ve all come to know could soon look and feel a lot different…”

SaS anticipates their new non-human screening technologies will become feasible at various venues such as stadiums and mass transit facilities, just as Infowars predicted would happen in 2016.

The pod-based screening systems from Micro-X, which differ from the previous detention pods, are scheduled to come on-line at US airports in 2025. Beginning January 2024, travelers registered with TSA PreCheck will begin to be put through the Vanderlande self-service screening system at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada.

TSA PreCheck is a an ongoing program which offers flyers who opt-in the ability to trade the removal of their shoes and belt for $85 and their fingerprints. This is not the only program seeking biometrics from fliers, CLEAR offers travelers the ability to not have to pull out their identification cards if they submit to fingerprinting and eyeball scanning. Travelers are also now met with facial recognition scanners they must stair into to confirm their identity, with little information given to indicate that they may opt-out. While these programs are currently voluntary, they won’t be for long.

“Eventually, biometrics won’t be optional,” TSA chief David Pekoske said.

The New York Times has reported that A.I. brain scans are now being used by police in the Middle East, as was reported may happen at airports in a 2014 Infowars article after a Discovery Channel special predicted brain scans will become an optional way of foregoing further searches at airports, just as biometrics are today. 

With every new major global event comes new opportunities for the TSA to increase its control over those seeking to travel, such as temperature checks and mask mandates during the coronavirus pandemic. 

While being forced to submit to a cacophony of naked body scans, fingerprints, face and eyeball scans with a likely future of brain scans may sound like travel within an Orwellian dystopia, the TSA did however back down from their plan of forcing travelers to wear taser bracelets to shock them into compliance, despite 35 percent of American respondents polled by Harris Interactive reporting they would wear the electrocution devices. This is slightly more than the 30 percent of respondents who reported they are willing to undergo a body cavity search of their rectum in order to fly, a procedure which is currently only conducted on those who are selected.

While proponents of the new screening and biometric programs will laud the minutes they save at the airport, it will be in exchange for sensitive personal information being given to an agency who admittedly spies on innocent Americans, gropes children and steals large amounts of cash from travelers.

As voluntary programs become mandatory and new technological systems come on-line, the airport of the future comes into view.

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