19 February 2020
An emerging Non Governmental Organisation, TRIO in collaboration with the reigning Mr and Miss Leboku alongside Mr and Miss ITM, Ugep on Friday launched 'Pad a Girl Today' project, donated sanitary pads to female students of puberty age and also sensitized them on the need for personal hygiene NEGROIDHAVEN has confirmed.
The students were delighted by this gesture from the NGO and took almost endless turns to express their heartfelt appreciation.
The group further enthused that the project was inclined to be continuous, and the plan was to share the pads in rations across the secondary schools in Yakurr at intervals in a 12 month cycle.
A source intimate with the development said 'To this effect, in order for it to be successful, the NGO is asking that well meaning Nigerians support their project with their widows mite to ensure its all round success.'
For further information, interested members of the public willing to support this initiative can reach the EXCO members of TRIO through the following phone numbers: 07039263319, Ntongha Okoi (President) or 07052435017 : Jesam Ebri (Mr Leboku).