'Today, My dreams have started' says Esther Okoi a journalist with the maiden publication of her book

'Today, My dreams have started' says Esther Okoi a journalist with the maiden publication of her book

31 August 2020 

Thursday 27th August witnessed a jubilant Nigerian journalist/public relations executive taking to her Facebook account to announce to her numerous friends the successful publication of the maiden edition of her first book, ‘Beyond the Pains: …Moving ahead Inspite of…’ NEGROIDHAVEN has confirmed. 

Esther Okoi a UNN graduate of Mass Communication and post-graduate researcher in the same discipline said on social media ‘It has been God all through. Today my dreams have started…’
What followed are pictures of the published piece, with links to the e-copies as it is available on Amazon, Lulu and Kobo —giant online bookstores and publishing houses.
In an interraction with NEGROIDHAVEN correspondent, the maiden author explained that the Book centres around what families with carriers of the Sickle Cell anemia go through. The pains on the child and the burden the entire family had to bear.
Author Okoi disclosed about Beyond the Pains thus: ‘Charles and Wofai defied advise from parents and friends and got married despite the knowledge that they are healthy carriers of the Sickle cell trait.
'Today, My dreams have started' says Esther Okoi a journalist with the maiden publication of her book
Cover of Okoi’s Beyond the Pain 

‘They got married, had children and when they realized one of them has the sickle cell anamea, anxiety took the better part of them and their relationship was strained and almost destroyed their marriage.
‘The lost of their first child and the resultant effects of their struggle on their marriage made them wiser on how to handle the second case.
‘When Charles lost his wife unexpectedly, the sorrow was unbearable.  His teenage daughter was worried about her brother’s deteriorating health and ask questions whose answers almost tore up the father-daughter relationship. But in the midst of that, they had to find a path to walk beyond their pains’. 
The 200-page piece will be an interesting read especially given the rattling realities which comes with the Covid-19 pandemic. 
e-copies of the maiden edition are available on:

Congratulations Okoi for this feat of ‘moving ahead inspite of’. 
'Today, My dreams have started' says Esther Okoi a journalist with the maiden publication of her book
A screen grab of Okoi’s announcement on social media