To All Fathers And Prospective Fathers, Check Out These Few Tips From Calabar Reporters #FathersDay

To All Fathers And Prospective Fathers, Check Out These Few Tips From Calabar Reporters #FathersDay

Fatherhood is One of the most difficult task in the universe. No one teach you how to be a good father. Most us have our children fully grown before we learn how to be a good parent. One thing I will be eternally grateful to my biological father for is that he thought me the way of the lord, best way he knew it. To know how to be a good father, we need to study our Heavenly Father.

Few tips;

1) Make your children a better version of yourself

2)Lead by example and less by words

3)Show them the way of the lord

4)Teach them the dignity in labor and refuse to spoil them. Expose them to hard life once in a while to as to appreciate what they have and what others are going through.

5)Teach them love by loving your spouse unconditionally.

6)Pray more for them and speak into their destiny even before they grow up.

7)Don’t hide the ROD and the APPLAUSE. Share it lavishly per season. The season of ROD use it. The Season of Love, use it. If you use both, you will not need to do damage control in future.

Happy Father’s Day! More Wisdom to our fathers and Men.

{cc} Stephen Akintayo