Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity… See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures
Tinkoriko Calabar Heritage 
Nyok|3 January 2019

Tinkoriko a socio-cultural and apolitical organisation with its base in Calabar, Cross River State and recognised by the Federal Government of Nigeria, Tuesday celebrated its silver jubilee NEGROIDHAVEN can say authoritatively. She has also sued for statewide and national unity. 
The galvanising organisation sued for peaceful coexistence in State during her silver anniversary celebrations which held at the beginning of the new year when she made a tour of designated routes in Calabar the state capital city. 
While addressing bloggers and journalists in the state capital city, the President of the socio-cultural organisation, Dr Emmanuel Eyo Esq said that Tinkoriko is a lesser status of the snail being in the class and genus of mollusc, ‘when you see a snail —the lesser form, that is Tinkoriko.’
Continuing, the university don added that ‘At the level of cultural display, it is that association that brings all the youths in Cross River State and beyond together, at the level of politics, you can see APC supporters, you can see SDP supporters, you can see PDP supporters; we are trying to show the world that in Cross River State, in Nigeria, there is no diversity. 
Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures
Tinkoriko masquerade 

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures
Dr Emmanuel Eyo Esq with an impressive umbrella hovering over his head 

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures
Otuekong Orok Duke being interviewed 

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

Tinkoriko celebrates silver jubilee, calls for national unity... See pictures

‘Even though we can say unity in diversity, diversity in unity, that is why we see all the youths, the female, the male, the elders are participating in what we are doing today. 
‘Let me also say that the Carnival Calabar is a replica, a reminiscence of what Tinkoriko has done for the past 25 years.
‘We’ve tried to let the youths know that you do not need to resort to violence, pick up your PVC and vote for who you think can rule this state and country properly.’
While outlining the numerous achievements of the organisation in the past 25 years, Dr Eyo said that scholarships have been given to registered members of the group; he said that there has been efforts to culturally reorientate members particularly in references to the Efik, Efut, Qua and Cross River generally. 
The mammoth crowd of members, supporters, sympathisers moved from Egerton Street through Henshaw Town to Chambley Street, and then to Target Road to Mary Slessor Roundabout from where it negotiated to Barracks Road and then to the Millennium Park, Calabar Road and back to Egerton. 
Present to grace the event were Rt. Hon. Otuekong Orok Duke, Mr Francis Mesembe Asikpo popularly called Abornima and a host of other dignitaries. 
Tinkoriko Calabar Heritage has existed since 1993. 
Efio-Ita Nyok is the blogger-in-chief, editor-in-chief and publisher of NEGROIDHAVEN