Tier list based on how good each of the ‘What If’ scenarios that are found within Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

Tier list based on how good each of the 'What If' scenarios that are found within Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has been universally praised since it was released. According to the developers, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero was able to hit 3 million sales in just 24 hours.

One of the fun traditions of Dragon Ball arena fighters is the “What If” scenarios that allow players to actually explore story routes that branch away from the original canon. Needless to say, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has a number of What If scenarios that have some rather fascinating developments.

In a recent video upload, KeyReviews has created a tier list of sorts that ranks how each of these scenarios stack up against one another. Of course, KeyReviews ends up adding some of his own speculation with regards to the potential ramifications of how the story could be changed with these alternate events playing out.

For example, there’s the situation that sees Goku actually surviving during the fight against Raditz. This results in Goku never learning the Kaio-Ken or the Spirit Bomb (Genki Dama). Indeed, Goku isn’t able to defeat Nappa in the same way in the story.

Ultimately, Piccolo and Krillin are killed during the battles with Nappa and Vegeta respectively. Events end up playing differently due to Goku transforming into a Super Saiyan this early into the main story.

However, the story that KeyReviews seems to rate as being the best story is the one in which Gohan decides to continue his training after defeating Golden Frieza. While this may seem inconsequential at first, it actually ends up introducing a totally original villain in the storyline.

While there are plenty of great stories within Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, there are also a number of duds. Needless to say, KeyReviews ends up giving these stories appropriate ratings.

Check it all out below:

DBSZ What If Tiers image #1

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