Throwback: Communiqué Issued at the end of the Road Walk to mark the 2016 World Peace Day organized by P4P

Throwback: Communiqué Issued at the end of the Road Walk to mark the 2016 World Peace Day organized by P4P

Efio-Ita Nyok|23 September 2016

A communiqué issued at the end of a Road Walk to mark the 2016 World Peace Day organized by Partners for Peace (P4P) in collaboration with the Office of the State Security Adviser, Cross River State and other Development Partners including, PIND Foundation, YAHOrg, BTAN, National Youth Council of Nigeria, Development Options,, Nigerian Red Cross and Universal Chaplaincy for Social Harmony in Nigeria at Peace Park, Calabar, held on 21st September, 2016.

The International Day of Peace also known and referred to as World Peace Day was declared by the United Nations General Assembly after a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica in 1981. 

The day is dedicated to commemorating and strengthening of the ideas of peace all over the world. It was first observed in 1982 with the theme: RIGHT TO PEACE OF PEOPLE. Between 1982 and 2000, the third Tuesday of September was marked as the International day of Peace. This was however changed in 2001 to the current date of 21st September annually.

The theme for this years International Day of Peace is; the Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace. This year's international day of peace is unique in the sense that a series of symbolic activities took place prior to this day. One of such activities is the ringing of the Peace Bell and observing of a minutes silence by Ban Ki-moon in the Peace Garden at the UN Headquarters amongst others. Cross River State has had her fair share of conflicts ranging from cult gangs rivalry, militancy, communal clashes and most especially communal boundary conflict that have in one way or the other resulted in loss of lives.

Highlights of the Walk
The walk which took off from Mary Slessor Roundabout with over 200 participants went through Mary Slessor Avenue, Marian Rd, IBB way through M/M Highway, Donald Dukes Drive and terminated at the Peace Park. There were placards carrying various inscriptions which had messages of peace, themed-music and other side attractions all aimed at passing the message of peace to the public, all in a bid to discourage conflict while promoting peace.

Peace is not achieved in isolation, it is the collective effort of all that makes peace possible. Conflicts are often caused by individual and groups who often feel neglected, maligned, etc.  This point is emphasized by the UN  Secretary General who said Let us all work together to help all human beings achieve dignity and equality; to build a greener planet; and to make sure no one is left behind.

Going by the above, Participants at the walk unanimously make the following recommendations:
1. Effective monitoring and use of early warning signs of violent conflict
There should be strong commitment from the State Institutions towards providing human, environmental, economic and political security in fulfillment to global conventions.

2. Improved synergy between the civil movement and State Security
Civil Society Organisations must raise voices for continued sensitization/education of citizens and target groups on the need for peaceful co-existence and tolerance as a strategy for social harmony.

3. State Actors on security in Cross River State should begin to engage strategically and build synergy, critical mass mobilization and encourages advocacy to build security gaps and harmonise activities that will encourage partnership between CSOs and the Security Institutions.

4. Government at all level should deploy transparency, inclusiveness, accountability, policy coherence and implementation of previous peace and reconciliatory recommendations to the later to tackle emerging conflicts regimes as an instrument to create a robust sociio-economic-political transformation for citizens.

5. Government should develop a paradigm shift on the strategic planning to tackle  the growing disparities between the rich and the poor, promote effective policing especially at border communities as well as respond to population flight through infrastructure.

Participants and all development partners expressed  appreciation to Partners for Peace (P4P) in the Niger Delta, Cross River State Chapter for embarking on a Peace walk to mark International Peace Day in Calabar, Cross River State. 

They also thanked PIND Foundation and Office of the State Security Adviser, Cross River State for providing support. CSOs, youth groups, and the media fully demonstrated readiness to collaborate with all stakeholders on issues of  conflict and security as a tool to sustain the engagement with the aim of promoting Peace in Cross River State.

This communiqué is signed by;
1. Mrs. Okoho Umo (State Coordinator, P4P)
2. Mr. Bassey Edem (State Secretary)
3. Comrade Ukemeobong Ukong  (Development Option)
4. Mr. Efio-Ita Nyok (
5. Pastor Cecelia (Universal Chaplaincy for Social Harmony in Nigeria
6. Comrade Elvis Eyam  (National Youth Council of Nigeria,CRS)