This unique Street Fighter 6 tier list ranks which characters do best when their MR is lower than their opponent’s

This unique Street Fighter 6 tier list ranks which characters do best when their MR is lower than their opponent's

CatCammy6 has released a unique “underdog” tier list for Street Fighter 6. Using a large sample size of games that feature two Master rank players, this list gauges a character’s ability to win when the opponent has a higher amount of Master Rating than them.

Based on this data, a player with more Master Rating is statistically going to win more than 70% of the time. Indeed, the character at the top of the list only has a win rate of about 28.20% against players with just 100 or more MR than them.

What’s interesting about this list is that Lily is actually at the top of this particular tier list. Lily has typically ranked near the bottom on more traditional tier lists.

Similarly, A.K.I., another weak character in Street Fighter 6, was ranked at second on the underdog tier list with Marisa clocking in at third (though Marisa can be considered to be fairly strong either way). This implies that, although Lily and A.K.I. are weak overall, they benefit from the fact that many players are unfamiliar with their kits even at higher levels.

Unfortunately, Ryu ended up having the most amount of trouble when used to fight against players ranked higher. Not only is Ryu struggling in the meta, but his kit is fairly straightforward against more experienced players.

Check it all out below:

Street Fighter 6 underdog tier list image #1

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