This post is handiwork of hackers aimed to present me in bad light —Mary Ekpere-Eta Esq

This post is handiwork of hackers aimed to present me in bad light —Mary Ekpere-Eta Esq

5 June 2018 
Press Release 
The attention of the Director-General of the National Centre for Women Development, Mrs. Mary Ekpere-Eta has been drawn to a post on her Facebook page, which was not made by her or any member of her media team.  
We wish to reiterate as mentioned before, that posts made by the D-G are signed by her, thereby pointing to the fact that the unpleasant post did not come from her.  
Mrs. Ekpere-Eta would like her Facebook friends and the public to disregard the content of the post and please refer to an earlier declaimer issued by Ms. Mitchelle Ushie.   
This said post which is the handiwork of hackers, whose sole aim is to create mischief and present the D.G in bad light has been deleted and other actions are being taken to prevent a re-occurrence of the embarrassing episode. 
Mrs. Ekpere-Eta  holds her associates, party men/women in the All Progressives Congress (APC), Nigerian and foreign partners as well as friends, who communicate with her on Facebook in high esteem and is therefore sorry for any form of embarrassment  the post may have caused. 
As mentioned earlier, ICT experts were contacted following the hack of the D.G's Facebook page and they have assured that the measures to be taken by them will further secure the social media accounts she uses to reach out to the public.
Therefore, the  D.G will continue to communicate directly or through her media team on this page and other accounts on Twitter and Instagram. 
Kemi Yesufu 
Media Consultant to the Director-General of the National Centre for Women Development
4th June 2018