This Modern Zangief player burns their entire Drive Gauge and super meter in 3 seconds for the craziest set up ever — and it works

Headphone users beware

This Modern Zangief player burns their entire Drive Gauge and super meter in 3 seconds for the craziest set up ever — and it works

Every now and again we stumble onto a clip in our line of work that is absolutely magical. Just as there are plays in fighting games that are so incredibly high level and are a demonstration of amazing skill, there also exist plays that are so insane and unlikely to work that when they do successfully pan out they are equally as impressive.

The clip we have here today is the latter, and it involves a Modern Zangief player, a full screen of distance between the two fighters, and some of the fastest resource burning I’ve ever seen in Street Fighter 6.

A roughly 25 second Street Fighter 6 clip was shared on Twitter this week by Inconsiderate Raccoon that features what appears to be the uploader’s Akuma going up against a Modern Zangief player online. The clip begins with the Akuma having stunned the Gief, jumping in for a big punish, and despite having level 3 super stocked, opting for a meterless punish to build back some Drive Gauge.

After the punish combo, both competitors sit at about even health with 35% – 40% of their life bars still intact. The Akuma player gets an oki situation after the knockdown, and going for a neutral jump heavy punch sees the Zangief parry, then hit a Drive Reversal to get the opponent away.

Now, the Zangief here can be seen having a full Drive Gauge meter after the parry, and the Driver Reversal is the start of what is just an unreal sequence. The Drive Reversal hits with 70 seconds on the in-game clock, and by the time the clock reads 67 seconds the Zangief will have spent all six Drive bars and all three super gauges.

I actually won’t spoil the rest of the clip because it’s just too damn good. Check out the footage below and witness one of the most unbelievable plays I’ve ever seen in Street Fighter 6.

Warning: There is some very loud screaming here at the end of the clip, so headphone users be cautious when watching…
