This might just be the dirtiest Drive Impact setup I’ve ever seen in Street Fighter 6

This might just be the dirtiest Drive Impact setup I’ve ever seen in Street Fighter 6

Not counting the bugged interaction with Kimberly from the beta…

This might just be the dirtiest Drive Impact setup I've ever seen in Street Fighter 6

Drive Impacts, when used strategically, is a powerful tool found within every character’s kit in Street Fighter 6. It’s one of the big reasons why the corner is the deadliest place to be during gameplay.

To compete at high level, a player must be prepared to react against Drive Impacts reflexively and without hesitation. However, it would seem that one competitive player, YAS, has a dirty trick up his sleeve that can turn this trained skill into a liability for the opponent.

After trapping the opponent in the corner with his Ryu, YAS is able to secure an opening against the opposing Guile player. As a result, he ends a combo with the donkey kick into a dragon punch for some decent damage.

Immediately after this, YAS triggers his Drive Impact. At first glance, it might seem like this was done accidentally, but YAS actually initiated this action purposefully.

Thanks to this specific timing, Ryu’s Drive Impact ended up completely whiffing against Guile as he was getting up. However, this prompted the opponent to instinctively activate his own Drive Impact to counter Ryu.

By this point, Ryu had already recovered from the usage of his own Drive Impact and was able to go straight into… another Drive Impact. As a result, he absorbed Guile’s attack and crumpled him for a free combo.

One has to imagine that this would have a major effect on someone’s mindset. With just the slightest delay, Ryu can activate his Drive Impact just barely later, resulting in a successful hit on wakeup.

As mentioned before, players don’t really have enough time to hesitate when put into this situation, but this is the type of setup can be utilized to inject some hesitation with future attempts. Check it all out below:

Source: Event Hubs