This is World War Three: a covert war on humanity waged by a parasitic, criminal global financial elite | The Liberty Beacon

This is World War Three: a covert war on humanity waged by a parasitic, criminal global financial elite | The Liberty Beacon

Intro by Steve Cook

It occurred to me a short while ago is that we are in World War Three. We all thought WW3 would be nuclear but that was probably a red herring designed to distract us whilst the real warfare was launched by the planet’s parasitic, deeply criminal financial elite against the grass roots communities of the planet.

I was very pleased, therefore, to find this quote, shared by the stalwart Simon Lee on Facebook, that summarises what is happening far better than I ever could.

The book from which it is taken is well worth getting hold of and reading and you can get a free copy at the link below. I am currently reading it myself and it provides insight upon insight into the deadly game being played by the planet’s financial aristocracy at this time.

We, the productive People and our communities have a common enemy and if we can unite against that common enemy, we’ll win.

And to that end, we are very fortunate that there are some very bright minds out there that have all sided with Humanity. Among them is Dr David A Hughes.

“An undeclared global class war was initiated in 2020, whose aim is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of global technocracy—a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism that threatens to lead to the irreversible enslavement of humanity. World War III looks nothing like its two predecessors and is waged by the transnational deep state against populations using the novel methods of Omniwar, i.e. war waged in every domain, but clandestinely, so that the public does not recognise it as such. The opening campaign of World War III involved the largest psychological warfare operation in history, which I call the “‘Covid-19’ operation.” This was intended to demoralise, disorientate, and debilitate the public, thus weakening its resistance to the intended transition to technocracy. Historically, psychological warfare has served as the prelude to physical war, raising the alarm concerning what is to come.”

This is World War Three: a covert war on humanity waged by a parasitic, criminal global financial elite | The Liberty Beacon


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