This is one of the hardest Ultra Street Fighter 4 combos ever discovered

This is one of the hardest Ultra Street Fighter 4 combos ever discovered

This is one of the hardest Ultra Street Fighter 4 combos ever discovered

Street Fighter 4’s combo system allowed for players to come up with and pull off some really intricate and difficult to perform sequences. Some combos were so tough to do, in fact, that they would go on to be named after the player who introduced the world to them and actually used them in real matches, such as Sako’s legendary and devastating Evil Ryu combo.

One of the main contributors that made certain combos so difficult back then was one-frame links, which basically meant that you had just a single frame window of time to properly perform the input and there was no input buffer like we have in games such as Street Fighter 6. A Balrog combo was recently uploaded to Twitter and has been making the rounds that uses a staggering 14 one-frame links in total ultimately making it one of the most difficult combos the game has ever seen.

This combo was uploaded by Twitter user ushioni_G00, who provided a couple of key details about why it’s so difficult to perform. This is a Balrog combo that works specifically on Blanka while Blanka is crouching, and this foundation sets up the first portion of it.

Before getting into the nitty gritty, the general gist of this crazy combo (which doesn’t look that crazy on the surface) is this. There are a total of 14 one-frame links used throughout the entire thing, and as the uploader explains, this appears to be the most hits we’ve seen so far for Balrog in a single combo without using stun — and there are 34 hits total.

The combo begins by hitting a jump in heavy kick into two crouching light punches, a crouching light kick, and then a light Rush Punch. The most significant part of this intro sequence here is that because Blanka is crouching, Balrog’s Rush Punch ends up hitting meaty due to how the hitbox and hurtbox collide, and hitting with the tail end of the special move allows Rog to continue the combo without having to use any meter.

Right out of the light Rush Punch we see a crouching light kick connect, which leads into a crouching light punch, and then a crouching medium punch — all of these links being one framers.

Using Balrog’s ability to extend his combos with EX Rush Upper for one bar, ushioni_G00 continues the sequence using basically nothing but one frame links between each normal and after the EX Rush Uppers until it all culminates in a final one-frame link from far standing jab into Ultra 1.

This combo is exceptionally hard to do, and if you feel like you want a challenge that will easily eat up your whole day, feel free to give it a try.

Source: Event Hubs