This insane Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 combo utilizes a wild glitch, tons of tea bagging, and was performed in tournament

This insane Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 combo utilizes a wild glitch, tons of tea bagging, and was performed in tournament

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at high levels of play is almost nothing but insane combos. However, the game’s potential allows for even crazier stuff to be done, and we see tons of it in combo videos and shared tech on social media.

Every once in a while, though, we see something absolutely bonkers happen in an actual match, and even better, in a tournament bout. Marvel 3 competitor TalesOfMrE recently landed an absolutely wild combo in tournament that utilizes a crazy glitch and a whole lot of tea bagging to boot.

In the winners bracket of the Revolution 20XX-3 event, TalesOfMrE began a fresh set against their opponent with a devastating mix up to open their foe up. This player manned a team of Firebrand on point with Spencer and Dr. Strange as back up.

With a quick overhead and a drag to the corner, TalesOfMrE’s Firebrand started in on the opponent’s Captain America with a quick bread and butter sequence. Very shortly into the combo, we see Firebrand end things off with another drag as Spencer uses his grappling shot assist to pull the opponent in.

Using precise timing and these two moves hitting at the same time, it appears that TalesOfMrE triggered a glitch that sees Captain America stuck in a frozen state and very, very slowly descending back toward the ground. The opponent is unable to do anything in this situation, which gives TalesOfMrE time to bring Dr. Strange out, place orbs on screen, and set up a devastating continuation of the combo.

The truly remarkable part about this combo is that Captain America is descending so slowly that Dr. Strange has all the time in the world to do whatever he wants. TalesOfMrE decided to use that time to tea bag the opponent profusely, and after all of this is still able to pick the opponent up and continue the sequence for a full touch of death combo.
