This funny clip represents the thing about Street Fighter 5 I remember over everything else

This funny clip represents the thing about Street Fighter 5 I remember over everything else

It seems that we’re at the point of Street Fighter 6 in which the community is looking back at the previous Street Fighter entry, Street Fighter 5 in this case, with rose-tinted glasses. For example, we recently reminisced about Broski pulling off a crazy combo with Oro, a character that has yet to join the Street Fighter 6 roster.

While it’s nice to be nostalgic about the good memories pertaining to Street Fighter 5, we also can’t forget about the less pleasant things about the previous Street Fighter entry. Needless to say, Ross recently posted a funny clip that felt a little too familiar for myself in particular.

While it could be argued that Street Fighter 5’s rollback netcode was an improvement over Street Fighter 4’s delay-based netcode, it still resulted in a number of games that can only be described as being “completely unplayable.”

This clip uploaded by Ross is certainly one of those type of games. The constant rollbacks make it impossible to really discern what’s happening even for the players themselves.

Indeed, the concept of whiff punishes or… any kind of punishes at all go out the window with a connection this poor. It’s basically impossible to react to a blocked sweep when the game behaved like this.

Even trying to block attacks becomes radically more difficult. These were the sort of matches that were enough to make just about anyone want to rip their hair out and quit playing Street Fighter 5.

Check out all the hilarity in the clip below:
