They don't love C/River State, they're in the media to sell CRS for their stomach —Joseph Odok

They don't love C/River State, they're in the media to sell CRS for their stomach —Joseph Odok

11 August 2017 
Of recent I have noticed that most people that criticise the government are not different from those they criticize. In fact sometimes these people are so militant in the defense of their interest that they can undo any obstacle to their interest. 
Most interestingly these people feel so threatened when their interests or the interests of their paymasters are threatened. They are so militant in the defense of their boss that they are ready to do anything or go to any length.
When they were parading themselves as critics, they were crying intimidation and attempted murder, most times to curry attention. But now that they are in a pseudo-position of power, they have not shown any difference in the quality of their character or that of their paymasters. 
As militant media sycophants  or errand boys to some political office holders, you don't mistake to criticize their masters. Their idea of a political party is that parties exist as covens for the political interest of their paymasters. Ones they chose a candidate for any election, they will do all to silence you if you don't do their bidding. These militant beggars can't stand a differing opinion. They can't choose a candidate and you oppose them. Their interest in a particular candidate is not rooted in any criteria on credibility but on how much money or interest can be garnered. Stomach directs their values not love for CRS.   
One major reason for the retrogressive growth in CRS politics is misinformation from media. These media men facade themselves on the cloak of activism and collaborate with stomach infrastructure politicians to sell CRS. 
That one criticizes the government does not necessarily make him a good person, in the build up to 2019 we must begin to identify desperadoes in media in order not to be misled into wrong choices. It is sad that the CRS media is increasing becoming a house of opportunist militants after their stomachs 
Joseph Odok 
Social Change Agent