The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

(Link to Part 1 Below Article)

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

By: Demand List

First, sure hoping/Praying you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yesterday (Fri. Dec. 27) on TLB was shared part-1 of the #WeThePeopleDemandList and continuing today….

I actually started this #WeThePeopleDemandList (hashtag (and shorter #WTPDL, and the list) the day after #Election2024 and it kept growing. Want to get all your thoughts and any additional demands to expand the list with (chime in via the comments or reach-out: This all really started on my Social-Media, as a premise set-up and it keeps growing (now at 50+ items, but for TLB just 16-25 of) the List will follow (oh great, I think most you know how my OCD/ADHD-Brain works – now I got “Free Your Mind AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW” lyric in my Head, LOL)…

Continuing from yesterday’s WTPDL-1:

16) Assure Our Voices Are Heard Act…. Mail (Standard size Postcards and/or Letter/envelope) addressed to Congressional Offices in DC and/or The President at the White-House should be allowed delivered postage free!
17) Work with Tim Scott (and even Kim Kardashian again) for follow-up Criminal Justice Reform Act 2 (aka: #StopSorosBackedDAs and #DemocratsCoddleCriminals and we will no longer tolerate it (ACT) and support Victims of their Crimes instead and will work to make them whole and Safe again) that will help Innocence Project groups across USA to free truly wrongfully convicted folks – while at same time demands actual repeat criminals be locked up/away (a three strikes return, but regarding specific actions, if a third offense is a Violent Crime (Assault, with or without a Weapon) 3 STRIKES YOU GET LONGER SENTENCE (which was GREAT CONCEPT, but BAD LAW, too broad, abused, mis-used, good intention warped, etc.)!!!

18) The Repeal Big-Pharma IMMUNITY/Indemnity from Wuhan-Hysteria-Fake-Jabs Act… See how FAST those JABS vanish from Pharmacies everywhere. As they are NOT Vaccines, not even a good Flu-Shot as the Side-Effects (even DEATH) far out-weigh any good they CLAIM they do! FURTHER, the Parental Rights and CHOICE IN VACCINES Act! Could/would also be known as the TRUMP was, still not, PERFECT Act, and #OperationWarpSpeed was yet another Fed. Big-Gov BOONDOGGLE admission Act. None on this Planet Perfect, except Jesus when/while he walked the Earth!!! And don’t get me started on The #nincomPOPE Francis – more interested in COMMUNISM than CATHOLICISM most of the time!!!

19) Something ANYTHING (as part of, coming out of item 5) that starts to restructure the FBI, CIA, and so many other WAY OVER-BOUNDS Alphabet Agencies in USA reign-in Act (see related Norton V Shelby SCOTUS case). Part of it needs to MOVE MANY GOVT BUILDINGS OUT OF DC. Put these people, get these Bastards, out of the DC bubble and actually among WE THE PEOPLE they are supposed to be Serving (move FBI  HQ to  South Dakota? … [Remainder of item description cut for space: see: my BeforeItsNews channel (and really, Really, REALLY, long piece, now over 50+ items, for more details.]

20) GIVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS (as, this list is FAR from complete, and I am forgetting many I know rummage around in my Brain I am forgetting for the moment) for what they should spend March 2025 doing?!?!?

The ever-expanding and growing list (otherwise there would be TLB WTPDL parts 3 and 4, next Sat. will already be “DOGE: a suggestion” quasi-part-3 to this) can be found on/at my BeforeItsNews channel (of course, can leave thoughts there too).

​​​​​​​Repeat from item (5): CONSOLIDATE SOME AGENCIES / DEPARTMENTS and eliminate REDUNDANCIES (esp. NO LONGER NEEDED Federal Paycheck DeepState buffoons only ever do is move paper around to justify their keeping their Paycheck coming). This at least FIRST STEP to eventual ELIMINATION (which will never get through Congress right off the bat, SOMETHING TO BEING IN MOTION AND WORKING TOWARD Vance/Noem Admin starting 2028 as well as more and more in Noem/Scott admin starting in 2036!

21) Disband the (Thousands Standing Around collecting gov checks, mostly featherbedded jobs) TSA!!!! Need Return Airport Security to Private Sector Act. [Remainder of item description cut for space: see: my BeforeItsNews channel for more details.]

22) The Govt Regulations Reduction Act – also in conjunction with item (5) HOWEVER there is ZERO EXCUSE to wait on recommendations come from item (5) Committee. Begin IMMEDIATELY, load up a Bill with DE-REGULATION including/starting with EPA and other EV MANDATES bullshit and the like. (related: Government Regulations and Automobiles… Yes, ties to NWO/WEF/etc….

23) Re-Introduce and PASS the STOCK Act (aka: The STOP Pelosi’s and other THIEVES in DC Insider-Trading Bill) more in: Brace yourself, I’m About to Agree With a Democrat (Sort-Of)! and Brace Yourself, I’m About to Agree With a Democrat (sort-of)! Part 2 .

24) The JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. Assassination Files Release Act (it has been so long, really there is NO REASON to keep these Classified any longer, all involved long deceased, and we all know the real reason they do not want them released if to CYA for CIA,FBI,others failings or involvement?!?!?). While we’re at it – the AREA-51 Alien (ET’s / Inter-Stellar, Inter-Dimensional, Inter-Timenal, Beings) Disclosure Act. Time all the UAP/UFO/USO Files get RELEASED!

25) The Repeal Dodd/Frank Act. Seriously, the idiocy (of course, Leftist NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE manure) following the 2008 Housing bubble (mainly cause by moron DUMBocrats CRA (Community Redevelopment Act) that basically ORDERED (DEI fashion) The Banks to LOAN MONEY ON RELAXED STANDARDS and Millions of folks that could NOT AFFORD the Homes they bought in the best and perfect conditions time ALL WALKED AWAY, DEFAULTED, when the Housing Bubble started bursting and CRA caused the Bubble burst to be 100x worse (as the so-called PREDATOR LOANS (complete bullshit, they all knew, they all signed on dotted line, hoping/Praying the Rates would never adjust up; and, of course, THE RATES FLEXED UP due to Inflation as was predictable and many that couldn’t afford the Loans at the Rates the Banks WERE BASICALLY FORCED TO LOANING then most certainly could not afford them at higher-adjusted Rates [Remainder of item description cut for space: see: my BeforeItsNews channel for more details.] [(Glass/Steagall (aka:Glass/Steagall), the CRA – Community Redevelopment Act), and of course too idiot GW RINOing out and creating with #CommieFasciSocies/#Spendocrats the whole TARP farce once again picking/choosing “certain” folks to bail-out but not all/others and fixing nothing setting us up again for another bubble bursting in Housing (way over-priced/inflated) again soon. They will likely try force it over-the-edge during Trump’s 2nd Term to lay their faults and blame at his feet via more #ENEMEdia MSM Lies.]


And since we talked Education in item 5….

Seriously, sadly Education is so da** poor in the Western World these days, people know no History (virtually NOTHING, and by design – dumbing down of America (As Carlin said) just have them Smart enough to Run the Machines (or today, capable enough to PULL THE FASCICRATS LEVER by indoctrination and certainly NOT SMART enough to question a da** thing or do own research)…

In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional/core “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…

More in: ChristiTutionalist Politics …

No, you do not need to have read No You Can Not Rest parts 1 & 2.

VIDEO (34m 05s): CTP WeThePeopleDemandList (pt 1):

VIDEO (47m 33s): CTP WeThePeopleDemandList (pt 2 w/ D. Stone):

Please Sign the OFFICIAL “We The People Demand List” PETITION at: – WeThePeopleDemandList (aka, sharable short-cut:  

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon


The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 1)

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

Also by this Author:

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 1)

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

No You CAN NOT REST (Part 2)

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon


About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – from Pixabay

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The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon

(Click on image to find out more)

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon


The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned to …

The WE THE PEOPLE Demand List… (Part 2) | The Liberty Beacon


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