The Unanswered Questions in Ayade's Government —By Obasesam Okoi

The Unanswered Questions in Ayade's Government —By Obasesam Okoi

Obasesam Okoi|2 July 2016|6:27am

If Governor Ayade is junketting across the world attending every meeting, negotiating every deal, sleeping in rice farms, and signing every MoU, what then is the responsibility of his Special Adviser on Diaspora? Is it to wear suit and sit in a dilapidated office building on Marian Road instead of maintaining mobile offices in Europe, North America, Asia and across Africa? Is it to sit in Calabar and wear tie instead of championing investment summits and transnational economic roundtables, including coordinating relations between diaspora communities and the state for the purpose of encouraging remittances and developing partnership for development interventions in the state?

This is just my personal view of what can be achieved with that office instead of wasting an entire PhD sitting comfortably on a chair and table and receiving a 200 thousand Naira salary in the name of appointment.

It seems that the craze for political appointments has crippled the mentality of our people even though some appointments only limit the appointees  to a chair and table, without ever giving them the opportunity to maximize their full potential. We can achieve a lot as a state if we start using our minds creatively.

Obasesam Okoi
Is a Social Commentator writing from Canada