The Supreme Court Brouhaha Making Cross River Stronger and more Focused on Ayade’s Ideas

The Supreme Court Brouhaha Making Cross River Stronger and more Focused on Ayade’s Ideas

By Inok Solomon

“No tyranny of circumstances can permanently imprison a determined will.” Cross Riverians, we all have inspired moments when we see clearly how we do great things, how we may accomplish wonderful undertakings. Most of the great things today, came as a result of someone’s idea and dreams.

Today, we have access to unlimited ideas, unlimited energy and unlimited wealth. When we begin to realise that the power to do anything, to be anything, to have anything, is within ourselves, then and then only will we take our proper place in the world.

Bruce Barton puts it thus, “Somewhere, at some unforgettable hour, the daring filled His (Jesus’) heart. He knew that He was bigger than Nazareth.” Speaking about Abraham Lincoln, Barton said, “Inside himself he felt his power, but where and when would opportunity come?”

To every man of vision the clear voice speaks. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.

“Knowledge does not apply itself, it is merely so much static energy. We must convert it into dynamic energy by the power of our thought.” Governor Ayade is by day building a world of self-made. A world where people believe in their powers not on the power of one man who have made himself lord.

An imagination which begins and ends in daydreaming is weakening to character, that is never the part with our Digital, unstoppable Governor Ayade. He is making daydreams come true. He is making them so clear and distinct that they impress themselves upon our everyday desires.

No one can put away daydreaming, except that most of us stop there. We don’t try to make the dreams come true. Martin Luther dreams are today’s realizations, shaping the world of unity and togetherness. Tesla, dreams every new machine complete and perfect in every particular before ever he begins his model for it. Mozart dreamed each of his wonderful symphonies complete before ever he put a note on paper.

But they didn’t stop with dreaming. They visualized those dreams, and then brought them into actuality. We lose our capacity to have visions if we do not take steps to realise them.

The Garment Factory is one of such actualisation of Ayade’s dream, a model to build confidence in our hearts.

Power implies service not in Courts. Cross Riverians, we need to concentrate all our thoughts, efforts and focus on making Ayade’s Visions of great deeds come true. Thinking is the current that runs the dynamo of power, not Courts. To connect this current, we most shun distractions and draw upon universal supply, and only then can we find the key to the solution of every problem including “Recession.”

Ayade is Standing Tall and going Higher! Higher!! and Higher!!!