The secret technique to beat Drive Reversal in Street Fighter 6 explained

The secret technique to beat Drive Reversal in Street Fighter 6 explained

Drive Reversal is one of the several defensive options Street Fighter 6 provides to players as a means of stopping their opponent’s offensive momentum. With the maneuver being safer on block now and there being a universal wake up option for it, this “get off me” mechanic is something we’re seeing being used more frequently than it first was.

However, Drive Reversal does not come without its own weaknesses, the main one being it can be baited and punished. Broski recently put out a new video that showcases a lesser known technique that can help players beat wake up Drive Reversal and that we recently witnessed being used on the big stage in top 24 at East Coast Throwdown.

Drive Reversal is a maneuver that has invincibility on its start up and is used to counter oncoming attacks, tag the opponent, and send them flying backwards to create space. As it stands right now it is -6 on block, and faster normal attacks can be performed meaty to bait the opponent into attempting the Drive Reversal, bait it, then punish.

During the ECT top 24, we saw Nephew’s Juri utilize an interesting “secret technique” that not only baited his opponent’s Drive Reversal, but instantly punished it with a level 1 super. While that might have looked like a very hard read on Nephew’s part, in actuality, this was an option select that worked out perfectly in his favor.

Broski explains what this option select does, how it works, and how different characters can do the same. The core of this option select lies within crouching light kicks almost universally not being special or super cancellable in Street Fighter 6 and light attack chaining.

Basically put, this option select allows the user to perform a crouching light kick on the opponent’s wake up, then input a super as if they were attempting to cancel the normal into said super attack. Since there is no cancel capability here, if the crouching light is blocked or hits outright, the fighter will chain into another light attack (such as standing light punch) and remain safe or get a combo for their troubles.

However, if wake up Drive Reversal is used, this will make the crouching light kick whiff and cause the super to come out instead.

When done correctly, this option select covers you completely when your opponent attempts Drive Reversal. If they go for something else, however, like an Overdrive reversal, you’d lose out.

Be sure to check out Broski’s full video below to add this secret technique to your Street Fighter 6 arsenal.
