The Rise of Refuse & Silted Gutters as CUDA Administrative Building Remains Under Lock

The Rise of Refuse & Silted Gutters as CUDA Administrative Building Remains Under Lock

Ifere Paul|18 February 2017

There is a slow rise of refuse in Calabar back streets. While the Ministry of Environment hired staff to clear waste on the major streets, most of the back streets have not received any refuse evacuated for many weeks.

Gutters and drainages are silted heavily with plastics materials causing an unprecedented blockage of the flow of the gutters. This has caused a difficult time for residents of such street and public places.

Marian Market by Eco Bank were you have the buses going to Big Qua is reeking like a fish pond of dead fish. Residents of Ediba Ediba by Catholic Church are living with a blocked gutter that they had to clear themselves. According to the residents who volunteered, “the gutter smells as if someone is buried inside. We have to clear it since government workers cannot do what they are paid to do.”

With the raining season fast approaching, different flood water from gutters will submerge streets and the outbreak of different diseases will start ravaging local residents due to unhygienic conditions of their surroundings.

Ifere Paul
Is a Public Policy Analyst