Just weeks after Sony unveiled the new PS5 Pro, chatter began about the company’s even farther-out next-generation console. This time, a trusted chip leaker has shared that the Sony PlayStation has two SoCs in development.
KeplerL2, a reputed chip leaker, shared this info on the NEOgaf forum. Initially posting it under a PS6 price thread, the topic became its own discussion. Although Kepler says it is unknown why the PS6 will come with two chips, it is possible that PlayStation might be working on a console + handheld setup.
While that is a possibility, it could also be an Xbox Series X/S situation, as Kepler said, “There’s two SoCs in development for next-gen; idk if it’s a Series X/S situation or home console + handheld, but probably one of them will be affordable at least.”
Kepler has a good track record for sharing such early reports on chips. Through this report, it also seems the PS6 will have an affordable option in the mix.
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Whether it will be a handheld or a lite version like the Series S, only time will tell. One thing we are certain about is that the PS6 chip will be made by AMD after Intel lost its bidding war. Given the chip will be backwards compatible, even a handheld could do a great job at running old PlayStation games.
As there are no official reports or verifications on this information yet, take things with a grain of salt. However, given Kepler’s track record, we can be hopeful that this report just might be true. What do you feel about Sony developing two SoCs for PS6? Share your thoughts in the comments below.