The Plan to Kill Barr. Joe Odok —by Chris Edako

The Plan to Kill Barr. Joe Odok —by Chris Edako

Chris Edako|6 September 2017 
Once again, we have all allowed our emotions and sentiments to suppress our brains and the voice of reason. We have condescended, far beyond the level of pigs and goats. We have consciously taken off our eyes from our common problem, and now more concerned with trivialities. Indeed, it was a sad day not just for us in Cross River State, but to all active participants of modern Nigerian politics.
As I write in pains, hundreds of my senior colleagues and contemporaries have already spilled much ink to express their condemnation over the assassination attempt on the person of Barr. (Dr.) Joseph Odok, so I won't be writing much again, but only to observe and bring us back to our point of departure. 
For the benefit of those who do not know Joseph Odok, he does not fight. I've known him for over eight years. We have worked together in various capacities, and I can vouch that he is not a violent person, but a humanist who uses his pen tenaciously to express his views about our sickle cell society. We all do not see thing from the same perspective. In fact, it is a core tradition in Social Sciences that all theories must be criticised, since none is axiomatic.
Curiously, while many were quick to follow their intuition in pointing accusing fingers at a prime suspect, others have been seen wiggling and toggling  through a host of theories to see which is most probable. Well, I'm not here to suggest who the suspect is, but to call whoever to order and to let them (and their protagonists) know what apparently they don't know.
Now listen. In my humble philosophy, perception is a function of time and distance.  People are constantly in flux, with regards to thought pattern and decision making. The fact that Dr. Joe Odok supports the government in Abuja and attacks the one Calabar does not mean he's an enemy of the state, or that things will remain that way; the fact that he decided to express himself in a language not favourable to his employers does not mean he should be killed; the fact that he does not belong to any faction in the Boki Palm Estate conflict does not also mean he should be killed; the fact that he decided to probe the fruitlessness of  Sen. Gershom Bassey at the Senate does not also mean he should be attacked. 
I could remember in 2013, when a friend attacked me, albeit with ink, and threatened me with unprintable words simply because I was rooting for Buhari, in the build-up to the 2015 elections. The development damaged our cherished friendship. He was a staunch supporter of PDP, and that was because his Boss was a beneficiary of the old structure. Fast forward to today, while I've left the APC (Camp of Lairs & Disciples of Doom), this guy now goes about with the Broom, because his Boss suddenly realized that his house is full of dirts. That's life for you. 
Imagine if that guy had killed me then because we were seeing things differently? Today, we have swapped perspectives. 
I have never seen Joe on the streets protesting anything, anytime. He's only using Facebook (and perhaps, Whatsapp) to do his things. More than 94 million Nigerians are on Facebook. If you don't like someone's post, why not simply UNFOLLOW, UNFRIEND, TAKE-A-BREAK or BLOCK the person? It's not a must that all posts or ideas must conform with yours at all times. 
For you that committed this crime;
Are you aware that Karma does not miss address?
Are you aware that the paltry sum you were given for this crime cannot even take care a new born for a month?
Are you aware that your boss may change party today and you may be forced to write like Odok?
Are you aware that Odok may change and not write against you again?
Are you aware that in a democracy, critics are the unsung heroes of success?
Why not calm down Bro, live and let's live altogether? 
Maybe I need to let you know that variety is the beauty of life. If everyone think and act in same way, life will become meaningless and boring.
Lastly, only the weak are quick to strike those who think and act in opposition.
God bless Nigeria.
Chris Edako
Writes from Calabar