Joseph Odok|19 July 2016|11:42AM
Cross River State remains a small state, with very little challenges that a serious minded governor can easily resolve. It is unfortunate that previous administrations seems rather poised to look at white elephant projects that end up leaving us with high debt profile and no economic gains.
Of what significance is Tinapa today? Of what significance is Marina Resort? Of what significance is Obudu Cattle Ranch? Of what significance is our private jet? This one no one knows what Liyel Imoke did with it yet our billions of Naira were siphoned. Of what significance is our international conference centre today? It is obvious that previous administration lacked the culture of continuity, so my thinking is that we go low, empower our people, and invest in agriculture and solve our critical problems in infrastructural development. More worrisome is the fact that Ayade is getting it more wrong than the previous administration.
For days now, the Odupani road though a Federal road has been blocked. Though included in the Federal awards by the Minister of Works, urgent rehabilitation is needed. Our businesses are crumbled, people spend days instead of minutes on that road. Most have lost their lives and properties worth billions lost as a result of the constant road blockade.
The Akpabio example is needed to remedy the situation; this is the ABC of how Mr. Ben Ayade can fix the road:
A) Stop all companies from using the road until they are made to pay a token since it is majorly their trucks that causes road blockage, this exercise can generate about 50% of what will be needed for remedial work on the road.
B) Priorities the road as an area of critical need and cause a supplementary budget to be passed for the repair of the road. There after application for refund to the Federal government be made.
C) Call for contributions from traders and concerned citizens, the traders did it once on their own, a more organized program for self-help will pay more.
D) Launch monies got from his many international donors into the rehabilitation of the road. It is a bad omen for the governor to be keeping monies he claimed to have got while his people are suffering. Could it be that the governor is deceiving us?
E) Suspend works on Signature Projects and use such monies for investment in agriculture, scholarship, entrepreneurial development, and other critical needs.
F) Reduce number of political appointees, keeping a large cabinet without paying them their due wages is the highest level of fraud.
Joseph Odok
Is Social Change Agent, University Don & Legal Practitioner