The downfall of M. Bison and Shadaloo in Street Fighter 5’s story left something of a vacuum of power in the game’s world (outside of the likes of the Secret Society) and another group using the villain organization’s namesake.
Street Fighter 6 Director Takayuki Nakayama recently confirmed the names of the main Neo Shadaloo members beyond the likes of Ed and Falke, and that includes the new baby and dolphin characters.
These main seven are said to be special by Nakayama and are named for the letters A through G.
We of course previously knew about Ed and Falke through Street Fighter 5 and the Director revealing the gorilla was named Baba Mwalimu, which is Swahili for ‘father teacher’ back in 2021.
Now, the fourth original member with the triangular hair / bear, has been confirmed to be named Cypher with Bison’s ability to teleport.
Fifth is Dobermann, who is the rather large fellow that can reportedly alter his body mass based on data collected from Dhalsim, so that left A and G.
Nakayama revealed that the Psycho-powered dolphin is named Amrita, which is apparently Sanskrit for ‘immortality’ and could indicate that’s what it inherited from Bison.
Finally, the new baby is ironically named Goliath. It seems the baby is imbued with Psycho Power too, but what powers he has are unknown — perhaps Bison’s physical strength, which could be quite funny.
・B:ババ ムワリム(Baba Mwalimu)
— キマイラ (@SF_Chimera) February 29, 2024
There’s obviously quite a bit more to these characters since we haven’t gotten to spend time with most of them, but Nakayama says that’ll remain a secret for now.
Street Fighter 6 does seem to be building up a story line around Neo Shadaloo in World Tour and the Arcade mode, especially with the additions of A.K.I. and Ed.
It seems by the start of SF6, Neo Shadaloo has splintered into multiple (at least two) groups with one seeking to bring the criminal organization back to its former glory under new leadership whether that be Ed, JP or someone else (maybe even a resurrected Bison).
Ed’s goal for the group, however, remains to save and bring together those experimented on and had their lives thrown into chaos by Bison and Shadaloo.
This splintering would explain the group’s apparent actions in World Tour and Bosch’s fate.
With Ed, JP and even Fang seemingly involved with the remnants of Shadaloo, it’s going to be interesting to see how this story continues to evolve in the future through SF6 and maybe beyond.
One thing that is a bit weird to us, however, is Goliath being a baby when Shadaloo’s technically been gone for years at this point unless he is a new experiment or doesn’t age.
A final nice little detail is that little monkey spotted with Baba and Dobermann in the art is the same as the one who was with the doll Santam and is apparently named Kiki — so it seems they’ve joined Ed’s cause too.
名前は「キキ」。シャドルー崩壊後、ネオシャドルーに合流したものと思われる。#SF6_ED #SF6_エド#ネオシャドルー#ネオ・シャドルー
— キマイラ (@SF_Chimera) February 28, 2024