PND Ketchup and Mustard break down the best move from each title
Every fighting game has its fair share of strongest or even “broken” characters among its roster, and one of the main facets of a fighter that makes them really powerful oftentimes is their special moves. If a character has a really good special move at their disposal, it can move them up several spots on the tier list, especially if they have some good normals to boot.
PND Ketchup and Mustard continue to chronicle the competitive side of the Mortal Kombat franchise, and in their latest video, we learn all about the most broken special moves in every main MK game.
Ketchup and Mustard previously put together a video that discussed who they felt the best character is in every main Mortal Kombat game. They start off by explaining that the most broken special move for each game might likely belong to the best character for said game, but there are also some outliers to see here as well.
With that being said, this video puts these broken special moves under the microscope and really delves into what exactly makes them so incredibly busted.
The first move we see on the list should come as no surprise. Back in the original Mortal Kombat 1 (1992), Sonya’s leg grab was easily the best move in the game due to its ability to infinitely loop the opponent under certain conditions.
Jumping all the way to the most recent Mortal Kombat game, Mortal Kombat 1 (2023), the brothers place Kenshi’s Sento Stance as the most broken.
While it was a close choice, Sento Stance takes the title here in MK1 due to its ability to break so many rules within the game. From incredibly long blockstrings to 50/50 mix ups and Kenshi staying safe even when he makes mistakes, this move is the reason why many players place Kenshi in the top 5 on the tier list.
There is so much more to learn here, so be sure to give Ketchup and Mustard’s video a watch below to find out what the other most broken moves in every Mortal Kombat game are.