Ifere Paul|2 October 2015|4:40am
Prof Ben Ayade:
Ben Ayade is the governor of Cross River State. He may not be a liar. But certain decisions he has taken have turned out to be just a media hype. Crossriverians that are his supporters are becoming less enthusiastic about the promises the governor brought to the table. While his body language suggested a performer, media pundits and opinion polls suggests otherwise.
Ayade development concepts may have received a wider coverage on the internet and mainstream media houses but less details are paid to the realistic approaches to make these concepts a dream come true.
His Signature Projects are on every lips of Crossriverians from Obudu down to Bakassi. Of all the signature projects he has developed, only the garment factory has a human face. Only the garment factory stands out as realistically vibrant. But the governor is not paying attention to one project at a time. He is disorganized and disoriented, paying attentions to all the projects at the same time. This is why he has lost focused on which of the signature projects is most viable.
He will wake one morning and talk about how he has concluded financial packages for all projects, and will go to the house to pass a bill to enable him borrow 30 billion naira.
At one he told us he has concluded the EIA and Feasibility studies and all that. That was done perhaps, in Germany. I personally knew he didn't. As it turned out, I was right.
On top of the most hyped invitation to PMB, the Ministry of Environment served Ayade a notice to go back to the field to do feasibility studies and EIA and above all to remove the SHW from the National Park. Until that is done, the SHW will die a natural death.
Above all, netizens(internet people) are beginning to complain that the governor talks too much and his talks carries some elements of lies.
Last Friday, Ayade in a desperate effort to win back what he has lost–The trust, told Crossriverians in a voice laden with emotion like a broken hearted lover that was jilted by his lover, “please have faith in me, and let me win your trust”. This is the most annoying and depreciating aspect of a leader who thinks he knows a lot while he actually knows nothing.
Ayade penchant for forcing people to accept his ideas is the reason we are in this crossroad. The Prof-Senator and now Governor is standing in an ever sliding opinion poll. Everyone, and indeed all unions in the State have lost hope and patience with the governor. Swag has brought disgrace. And that has helped to turn the governor a flippant liar.
Lying that the garment factory is 95% complete.
I cannot help but laugh when I heard the governor called electric sewing machines as computer “sewing machines”. I still dey laugh.
The governor lied that the contractor is the one delaying the whole project. Crossriverians passing the GEJ bypass has not seen any bill board showing the layout of the garment factory. The contractor would have displayed his name(s) but nothing of sort. Investigation revealed that Engr Plasidus Akpeke (Opla) and Odey Christian (Ukpan) and MC Agioha are the ones handling the projects. They are all cousins to Ayade or Ayade's wife. They all work for LEOPHINA construction company.
Does this make sense? LEOPHINA & Co. is a company completely own and operated by Ayade. Haha. Now I know it makes sense to you. So, perhaps LEOPHINA is the company contracting the construction of the garment factory. And in itself, Ayade's company is the reason why the construction of the garment factory is delayed. But the question worth asking again is whether the GF is a State government project or Ayade's personal project? Only time will tell.
Ayade lied that rain, a natural weather element is the reason he couldn't deliver the factory in 100 days. This is a fat lie as big as a Yoruba slice of beef in Ewedu soup. As an environmentalist, where did Ayade keep his environmental sense and perception? Didn't he know that we were approaching the rainy season before he made the promise to complete the GF in 100 days? And if Ayade is a good environmental scientist he claimed, he should have known that there's a cheap technology called “cloud seeding”. This technology helps to drive away rains from project sites. A project with much hypes as the GF should have this technology on site.
I don't want to sound as one who doesn't believe in the GF any longer. I still do. It's the best of all signature projects. But the governor and his lying crew should stop lying.
Christian Ita:
Mr Ita is the Chief Press Secretary to Ben Ayade, governor of CRS. Ita rise to prominence in Cross River State politics is as a result of submission to his godfather Sen Liyel Imoke. Christian Ita, according to information from some quarters was forced on Ayade by Liyel Imoke. As Ayade was forced on PDP and indeed the whole State, so was Christian forced on Ayade. The two stooges with their appendices attached to Liyel Imoke.
Christian Ita started lying way back in the Liyel Imoke administration were he also served as a chief publicity press secretary. Ita has his loyalty still attached to Imoke. He still reports to Liyel Imoke with all activities of the government house. To use an intelligence (espionage) term, Christian Ita is a mole planted in the government house by Liyel to report and perhaps stale Ayade's progress.
Therefore, Ita has made himself a god to watch over Liyel's integrity even as Liyel is no longer governor. An attack on Liyel's personality or his dubious administrative intrigues that has brought us the debt burden is seen as an attack on Ita. This is why Ita has lied consistently, including setting up a crack team to blackmail people who criticize the present governor and or the past governor. Including hacking phone Iines and sending super viruses to people computers.
Just two weeks ago, Ita reportedly lied that if the institute of IMT is degraded, it is so degraded because of Okoi Ofem Obono-Obla petitions. Ita was implying that if Obono-Obla isn't quiet with his criticisms, the governor, Sen Ben Ayade will downgrade the IMT in Ugep.
Christian went further to hire blackmaillers to campaign against Obla. In their disgusting outing, they insisted that Okoi Ofem Obono-Obla stole his brothers certificates. Ita and his team in their desperation went to say that Obla murdered his brother. Ita is a consistent gossiper, Who finds favor with Liyel Imoke gossiping exco members, appointees, and party officials. In Italy, these type of people are called “flippant fool”.
Well, Ita with his lying ego attracted national attention when he lied to discredit the information that necessitated President Muhammadu Buhari's rejection of an invitation to attend Ben Ayade Signature Project of SHW groundbreaking. Ita with his normal flipping lips insisted that the ministry of environment was wrong to assumed that the SHW passes through the National Park.
Ita swore with the daughters of Jezebel that that SHW didn't and never will pass through the National Park. He consequently denied that the feasibility and EIA were not done. Disagreeing with presidential sources is like arguing with the president himself. No wonder presidential media aides felt disconnected with Christian Ita's position.
In a messenger chat, one of my respondent said that “it's a pity that your press secretary to the governor is bragish even when available information should have humbled him”. My source went further to say that “such amateurish exhibition was perhaps necessary to save his face. Or perhaps, he was acting on the governors instructions”.
In this 21st century, media handling job is crucial, it is advised that a media aide should never argue and deny a superior information especially from the presidency. What Ita did was to open up his ignorance and perhaps abuse the office of the governor of Cross River State by arguing with superior information which turned out to be true. Christian Ita was supposed to tender an apology to the ministry of environment and office of the president, and to all Crossriverians for dragging us to the mud. Or better still, he should resign or be sacked and replaced.
All the media hype about job creation that has been widely criticized by Crossriverians and opinion polls organizations for good governance was brought to this administration by Ita. Ita published employment vacancies even when the GF was not completed. Ita called for application into the Green Police–GP. Till today, members of the public who had taken the screening exercise have not been called to resume work. The criteria for selection has not been made public. The basic qualification of a GP officer should include credits in Geography, English, Mathematics, Agric, Soil Science, and Biology. We are waiting to see those who made through to the hiring process and the qualifications if at all Ita lies become truths.
Eva Asikong:
He is a very intelligent young man but whose analytical skills as a graduate of Research and Statistics is somehow rusty. He does not use statistical representation to present his arguments. He is quick to go for the offensive and sometimes with foul language.
Eval as a media aide to the governor has never presented verifiable facts in all of his summation about the governor and his signature products. With lots of misinformation about government activities, Asikong could have chosen to distinguish himself as a true researcher by going to projects and getting pictures and first hand information for the general use of netizens. But like a rusty statistician he is, he depends on the illusionary representation of hazy facts and publish same to the public. In his last altercation as response to my 100 days evaluation of Ben Ayade in office as against Nyesom Wike of River State, Eval was seen struggling to present and or defend facts that I presented. Out of brain exhaustion, he rather tried to disparage me and my English punctuation and sentence mismatch. But tried as he did, he successfully made himself a clown he is. Funny enough, he will go on to say that the GF was 95% completed. That “widows and young ladies were employed and have since commenced work”.
Such fabricated lies to defend the lack of performance of HE was most too obvious. This classic graduate of research and statistics will further open up his rusty statistical skills when he said that “feasibility studies and EIA has been completed”.
Of note however is the fact that sometime in July, Asikong reportedly announced that groundbreaking for the SHW was 8th of September. Perhaps Eval may have taken to the gossips peddled by people in the government house that Ayade assured people from Odukpani that the president just called him to schedule the groundbreaking.
These lies has come to hurt them in their faces of dark glasses for which they cover their eyes and lie. Even without a valid certification in research and statistics, I have become one of those leading authority in the cyberspace of Cross River State and Nigeria in general with good research, sometimes followed with photo representation of facts on ground unlike Eval Asikong with his PG degree in research and stats.
Funny Eval will respond to one of my article twice in a matter of 8 hours. That was because I kept him sleepless with facts and figures of Nyesom vs Ayade's performance that he had to make a rejoinder to his own article. That was foolishness. Till date, Eval has not succeeded to present a superior argument and his lies were made worse with the revelations of the Ministry of Environment that feasibility studies and EIA were not properly concluded. Eval Asikong, even Buhari was told of your lies. Wait for your national award for lying liars pants on fire.
Declan Ogar:
Declan Ogar is the worst of the lying crew. His IQ is a little and prematurely different from a 12 year old. Even with his supposed knowledge as an Intelligence Officer of the NIS, this big clown is just a super high liar. His lies are always noticeably obvious because he has never been able to prove a point or defend an idea that came from him.
Unlike Eval Asikong, Declan is as lazy with facts as a prostitute who was caught making love with an underage.
Like what he is paid to do, Declan is an attack dog that doesn't bark before he bites. Even when there's no reason to bark, Declan bites. His lies are so puerile just like his IQ.
Prof Ivara Esu:
He's the deputy governor. Always caught on camera as one who is unhappy with the spate of development so far. He's disinterest and confusion are confusing his followers. This academic guru-cum-administrator should have known. The genius in him has long escaped him leaving him as a follower of the swaggering liar—Ben Ayade.
This former intelligent, humbled, action speak louder than words VC is now a worshipper mediocre, lies, and common place deception.
This soil economist, pedologist, researcher, lecturer, is a world renowned sage with contributions that cuts class. He's students around the world have been asking me why he has allowed himself to be used as a caricature of himself. I don't know why Prof Ivara Ejemot Esu allowed himself to be used.
I got admitted and graduated through the wonderful leadership of Prof Ivara Esu. I know he is not a liar. But defending the Ayade lies is killing his many followers around the world.What should Prof Esu do? Resign?