The Greatest Comeback of All Time | The Liberty Beacon

The Greatest Comeback of All Time | The Liberty Beacon

By J.B. Shurk

The “experts” said it couldn’t be done.  They called him a “loser” and an “illegitimate” president whose time in office should be stricken from the pages of history.  Political pundits said his refusal to accept the mail-in-ballot-fraud-tainted 2020 election results made him an “insurrectionist” and a “dangerous threat to democracy.”  Democrat prosecutors and judges threw his supporters in jail.  Democrat operatives in the FBI and DOJ insinuated that he is a “Russian spy” and “domestic enemy” who should be convicted of treason.  The most hoity-toity “reporters” from the fanciest newspapers in the land said that Americans would never elect a criminal defendant facing the possibility of life in prison.  All of the “very best people” from the “most respected institutions” told us that Donald Trump’s political comeback was impossible.


No president has won a second term in office after suffering a re-election loss in 130 years.  When Grover Cleveland last pulled off this neat trick, he, too, returned to the White House after first losing it to gross electoral fraud.  Americans do not like rigged elections, but they absolutely despise elections that are so rigged that the robbery is impossible to ignore.  

In 2020, President Trump won almost every traditional bellwether county in the country by double-digits and increased his 2016 totals by over ten million votes.  He won a record share of the vote from black and Hispanic Americans, blue-collar workers, and other Democrat-leaning voting blocs.  Despite all of this evidence that the American people supported Trump’s handling of the economy, illegal immigration, violent crime, and foreign wars, professional political pundits immediately painted Joe Biden’s razor-thin “victory” (in which the dementia-addled nursing home patient magically “won” extra mail-in ballots in Democrat-controlled counties in battleground states days after the election) as a national rejection of Donald Trump.  


It turns out that Americans really do not like “Green New Deal”–induced inflation, COVID lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, open borders, skyrocketing violent crime, “woke” sermonizing, child mutilation, “transgender” madness, censorship, political persecution, bungled military withdrawals, or the prospect of nuclear war in Europe and the Middle East.  

President Trump spent his years in office lowering food and energy prices, increasing personal income, securing the border, rejecting the suffocating tenets of “political correctness,” and avoiding unnecessary and costly foreign wars.  He kept his campaign promises, made America energy-independent, used America’s economic leverage to contain foreign adversaries, and brought manufacturing jobs back home.  He negotiated peace between Israel and her neighbors, bypassed a decades-long stalemate by meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, and dealt with foreign terrorists swiftly and severely.  He reminded Americans again and again that “economic security is national security” and that “peace is the prize.”  Most importantly, he rejected the stale groupthink of the administrative state and the efforts of the permanent bureaucracy to wield Executive Branch authority without the president’s blessing.  For his numerous successes and the threat he posed to the Deep State’s continued indulgence in unchecked power, President Trump became the U.S. government’s number-one enemy.  

Twenty twenty’s election-riggers installed clueless Joe Biden and dumb-dumb Kamala Harris at the top of the federal government, and Americans have suffered ever since.  Everything now costs more.  Foreign criminal networks have taken advantage of Democrats’ open borders and left towns across the country broken and unsafe.  The Department of Homeland Security has headed an all-of-government effort to spy on Americans’ movements and censor Americans’ speech.  And we are one miscalculation away from World War III.  Stolen elections have consequences, and none of those consequences has been pretty.  For the pain and suffering of the last four years, blame Democrats, RINOs, the propaganda press, multinational conglomerates that regularly purchase American policy, and of course the unelected and unaccountable Deep State.

Now we get a do-over.  Or, rather, we get a chance to put our country back on track.  It will be hard work.  We will be vigorously opposed every step of the way.  The propaganda press will call us “Nazis” and “racists” for wanting secure borders.  Economic illiterates who have never run a small business will screech that our “America First” trade policies are damaging to Wall Street’s bottom line.  Apologists for the Biden-Harris regime will freak out when President Trump begins pardoning political prisoners and terminating the Department of (in)Justice’s political prosecutions.  Warmongers, imperialists, and deep-pocketed military industrialists will brand us “isolationists” and “nativists” unwilling to “defend democracy” from elected foreign governments that the CIA has secretly overthrown.  The same political “elites” who conspired with Big Tech to censor our words, encouraged companies to fire conservatives, disbarred lawyers who fought electoral fraud, and demanded that banks punish citizens for their personal beliefs will — with no sense of the irony! — call us all “fascists” now.

Why?  Because for the political left, anyone who refuses to bow down to government bureaucrats, credentialed “experts,” the World Economic Forum, armed federal agents, or multinational oligarchs is a threat to the advancement of “progressive” totalitarianism.  Anyone who stands up for the Bill of Rights is an obstacle to globalist tyranny.  Just as the CDC conveniently redefined “vaccines” to include gene-altering therapeutics during the fake COVID emergency, those who suffer from the “woke” mind virus have redefined “fascism” to smear all people who simply wish to be free.  Leftists will continue to inexplicably defame those of us who fight authoritarianism as being authoritarian.

That’s okay.  Let them call us names.  That’s all they know how to do.  They employ language games and overt propaganda to confuse anyone who listens.  So don’t listen.  They produce nothing of value.  Treat their opinions as worthless.  They are ticks that feed off society and leave honest people feeling miserable.  Recognize them as parasites, and cast them aside.  Direct your energies toward the many tasks before us.  Real goals and real work matter.  We have no time to be distracted.  We must get down to the serious business of making America great again.

The worst part of the rigged 2020 election was how mail-in-ballot fraud distorted history.  By pretending Joe Biden had somehow “won” over fifteen million more votes than the Democrats’ demigod Barack Obama had eight years earlier, the propaganda press and the professional political class advanced a false narrative that the American people had soundly rejected President Trump’s MAGA agenda.  Instead of favoring energy independence and a “drill, baby, drill” economic mindset, political “elites” assured us that Americans were very concerned about man-made “global warming” and eager to mandate the purchase of electric vehicles.  Instead of favoring low taxes and an end to endless wars, political “elites” told us that Americans wanted even more taxes and even more endless wars.  Instead of favoring secure borders and the deportation of criminal illegal aliens, political “elites” insisted that Americans wanted tens of millions of foreign nationals to swamp their towns and schools and drain already insolvent welfare programs.  Instead of favoring a manufacturing renaissance and the rebuilding of blue-collar towns, political “elites” assured us that Americans wanted to own nothing and embrace America’s decline.  None of this is true, but it has been the official story for four long years.

American voters had only one way to break free from this bleak dystopia: vote for Donald Trump as if their lives depended on it, and achieve electoral victory beyond the margin of Democrat fraud.  That’s exactly what we’ve done.  The economy, border security, domestic safety, free speech, the global balance between war and peace — everything Joe Biden and Kamala Harris touched, they broke.  President Trump and his MAGA coalition have an awful lot to fix.  So let’s get to work.

Hat tip to the late, great Lloyd Marcus, who would have loved this moment in history.

The Greatest Comeback of All Time | The Liberty Beacon


Trump’s Victory Speech (added by TLB Staff)


The above article (The Greatest Comeback of All Time) originated on the American Thinker and is republished under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the articles author J.B. Shurk and the website

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Image Credit: Graphic in Articles Featured Image (top) – Pixabay License, and In-Article Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr (cropped).

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The Greatest Comeback of All Time | The Liberty Beacon


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