The Geography and Inheritance of Faiths —by Ubongabasi Akpan

The Geography and Inheritance of Faiths —by Ubongabasi Akpan

Ubongabasi Akpan|7 September 2017 
Religious traditions are predominantly found within a geographic location. Christianity has great foothold in counties like Spain, Rome, Britain, and  U.S. Countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somali, Kuwait, Libya Saudi Arabia are predominantly Muslim nations. 
Notwithstanding, these countries have other religious tradition practitioners. For example, Nigeria to the south-south and south-east are majorly Christians, while a little percentage are traditional worshipers. To the north and south-west, Nigerians are both Muslims and Christians in their numbers.  
Religion is thus a geographical phenomena, and an inheritance from one's parents. 
Children born into a Christian home will definitely remain Christians, same with Muslims. It takes a hard nut to convert an individual who inherited his religious tradition to another faith. In fact, conversion takes a pull to happen. 
You are definitely a christian or Muslim because your parents are adherents of these faiths. You didn't choose your religion, your lifetime to adulthood is based on the faith path your parents had made long before you were born. 
I am a Presbyterian because my parents worship there, if they were Olumba's or Muslims, definitely I would have been one. As Christians, one can only change denominations, not necessarily the faith. 
If one was born in Sri Lanka, China or Japan, definitely you would have been a Buddhist, or Hindu. 
Religion is not determined by you, your geographic location determined your faith. You actually inherited your faith. Yes, you did so unconsciously. I cherish this inheritance, I love my faith. But that won't make me ridicule another man's faith. I won't criticise, cast aspersions, or talk down another's faith. I will respect your faith, I will respect your religious leaders and institutions. I hope you will respect mine. Once we do this, our world will be a peaceful and harmonious one.

Ubongabasi Akpan
Is a Social Commentator