The game’s one and only global champion tries out the new Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond mod

The game's one and only global champion tries out the new Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond mod

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite’s rough history is well known within the fighting game community. To put it as succinctly as possible, the game was not well received by fans due to its various issues (including poor visuals and roster), and as a result, the game didn’t get a lot of support — both on the content end of things and the competitive side.

With that having been said, Marvel Infinite only really got one limited go at the pro tournament circuit venture in the form of the global Battle For The Stones series, and the winner of this circuit’s finals was none other than Cloud805 making him the only world champ for the game. With the new Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond mod now out and in the hands of the public, said champ has taken the time to sit down and try out the game’s newest offerings and share what all he thinks about it in a new video.

To elaborate a little more on MvCI’s competitive history, the Battle For The Stones circuit (which acted as a much smaller scaled Capcom Pro Tour for the game) consisted of six Infinity Stone Tournaments and three online qualifying tournaments.

The highest placing eligible players from each of the aforementioned events secured a spot on the finals line up, and the other spots were populated by Marvel vs. Capcom series Evo champions who were invited to compete.

Cloud would ultimately earn a spot at the finals by winning Red Bull Proving Grounds 2017, and in December 2017 would win the finals over NYChrisG. On top of this, the Evo tournament series never ran Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite as a main stage game, which means that the Battle For The Stones finals really was the only place we ever saw a global champion crowned.

That champion has now jumped into Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond, and right out of the gate Cloud takes the time to do a few comparisons to the old visuals with the new and improved graphics style.

He goes on to discuss some of the balance changes that have been made in the new mod, and then jumps into actual matches to dust the cobwebs off and see how he fairs after returning to the game.

You can check out Cloud805’s full video on Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond below.
