What is it with rules and repeating them? I guess it helps solidify the knowledge in a whole different way.
Well, here goes. The first rule of Street Fighter 6’s Battle Hub is you can talk in Street Fighter 6’s Battle Hub and talk they will, pretty much right from the moment you join that mode.
You may not want to know what your opponent thinks of your tactics… maybe your inability to play… but some will tell you anyway.
You’d be amazed at how salty two human beings could be at one another for an innocent-ish enough game of Street Fighter 6, but… there’s a certain rage releasing catharsis that takes place when you chat in Street Fighter 6’s Battle Hub. A way of blowing off steam, although some members may take it to the extreme.
You may destroy your opponent, and they may leave a message for you that you don’t want to read, but you kind of do… because you’re curious.
You may wish you’d gone back to training mode a little faster next time instead of hanging around for a GGs, which is usually what you see.
But it’s possible to have an interesting discussion and gain insight into the match up you may not have known, especially in the sets that run long, you often find a more eager audience for discussion. This is something you never see in the game’s casual or ranked modes.
FGC Celebrities and Pros can be found here on the regular, if you know where to look.
I know numerous pro players who have anxiety about losing those precious ranked mode points, or Master Rate. Well known names in the community, besides me.
I am personally at a lucky 1,777 (pictured above) ranked matched points, and I don’t want to lose them — but I might. But you don’t lose points in Battle Hub you only gain in-game currency at an increased rate on lit up machines. That gets you a bunch of goodies.
There are people who roam here just for the lulz. Rarely playing, just doing stuff because… why not? There aren’t a lot of rules in the Battle Hub beyond…
Sets vary in length, usually at key markers like either 2, 3, 5, 7 or 10 wins.
Trolls take aversion to these rules to new heights, and you never know what you’ll get.
You might get one and done where the other player uses random tactics and won’t do a runback, and then tell you to hold that L. You also may run a 30 game set in a match up you could use deep knowledge of, because not everyone in Battle Hub is a troll.
I like decorating my avatar, and shockingly enough most people compliment me on it, especially when sporting Mai Shiranui’s dress.
While I play Chun-Li in the game, my in-game avatar is actually modeled off of Rose, who’s my favorite fighting game character of all time. You see a lot of creative and… not so creative avatars out there.
Battle Hub includes old Capcom arcade games on rotation, and you can find some of their best previous classics all on free play, or in high score mode.
This is where the road gets murky… the word Hub and EHubs Shop goods is used for the first time in the series in a prominent way, but… only if you play this mode. Is it an homage to the longest running news website in the fighting game community, or just a coincidence?
I looked into it, trying to see if it was just a coincidence in naming, or if our logos happened to be similar, or the font, and the answer there was a decided “Not really.”
You would understand with the names so similar, especially ours having Hubs so prominently in it, why we would look there. But we’ve had multiple staffers look at this and haven’t had anything that’s stood out in our investigations.
Bonus points in the comments below for Fight Club jokes/references.
Source: Event Hubs