The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Understanding American Politics 2 -By Princewill Odidi

The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Understanding American Politics 2 -By Princewill Odidi

Princewill Odidi|6 March 2016|6:11am

Donald Trump takes advantage of the ignorance of his political followers to feed them with half truth and make unsubstantial generalizations that have the semblance of truth, but its all misguided truths. He has beaten the establishment to their own game. This is a classical example how social media is shaping the strongholds of party formations and allegiance in what i would term the devil and the deep blue sea.

Obama was the first 1st generation foreigner to be American president. What this means is that  both parents were not Americans only the mom. Americans may never allow this to happen again. More Americans are going for Trump because both Ted Cruz and Rubio are Cuban Americans.

There is rumor that the establishment may draft Mitt Romney and hand him over the nomination during convention. The Bush family has controlled American GOP politics for over 3 decades. Part of the problem is that Trump was not anointed by Bush Sr and talks down on the Bush family without any consequence.

Ted Cruz is from Texas together with the Bush family, Ted was advised not to run for president so that Jeb Bush would have no competitor but Trump, he refused and declared his candidacy. This explains why he is hated and instead of the establishment leaning on him as second runner up, they are leaning on Rubio. Don't forget that Rubio worked for Jeb Bush when he was Florida governor. So Rubio is seen as Jebs boy..

The establishment never thought  of Robio as a threat to Jeb Bush, that explains why immediately after Jeb Bush dropped his bid to seek the Presidency, the entire establishment and financiers immediately lined up behind Rubio.

As political analyst, we have a lot to learn from these developments. The biggest lesson is that Political establishments cannot fight the power of social media. Trump has over 14 million followers on Twitter. A single tweet he makes changes opinions.

Will the establishment impose Mitt Romney at the convention or will they lean on less popular Cruz or Rubio, or will they give in to the Popular power of Trump, time will tell.

Princewill Odidi
Writes from Atlanta, USA