The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

The illusion that their government has their best interests at heart is rapidly fading for millions of people in Britain, particularly since the arrival in power of Keir Starmer, longstanding member of the criminocrats’ Trilateral Commission and ardent proponent of their chilling “global change” agenda.

Indeed, not only is his regime clearly not too bothered about the well-being of ordinary Britons – as opposed to Ukrainians or Israelis – but it is looking as if it actively wants most of them dead!

It is pursuing this apparent goal by:

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Poisoning their food. A toxic substance called Bovaer is being fed to cattle under the ridiculous pretext of “fighting climate change”, with cow flatulence presented as a greater threat to the environment than the global industrial infrastructure. When the British public noticed, started boycotting the contaminated products and sharing information about alternative non-Bovaer sources, the BBC (aka The Ministry of Truth) backed the manufacturer’s line that the additive was quite safe and that any suggestion to the contrary was “misinformation” (where have we heard that before?), while Starmer’s government said it would mandate the feeding of Bovaer to all cows in the country by 2030, that famous cut-off date for carbon reduction and “systemic change”.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Freezing them to death. One of the first acts of Starmer’s government was to axe winter fuel payments for 10 million British pensioners, despite widespread public outrage. The announcement was made by chancellor of the exchequer Rachel Reeves, also vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel, who, it later turned out, has in recent years claimed thousands of pounds from the state for her own personal heating bills, on top of her handsome £90,000 annual salary as an MP. Such is Starmer and Reeves’ unpopularity in Britain that a parody song Freezing This Christmas topped the pre-festive music download charts.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Polluting their water. The scandal of the UK’s appalling and deteriorating water quality was much in the news during 2024, but there is no sign that the situation will be addressed. The privatisation of the country’s water supplies has led to a dangerous, not to say disastrous, state of affairs in rivers, lakes and on beaches, as even mainstream media admit. Reports ITV News: “The cocktail of raw sewage, agricultural waste, chemical pollutants and plastic is presenting increasing risks to human health as well as untold damage to nature”.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Bombarding them with radiation. 5G has been unleashed on Britain, as elsewhere, in recent years and the mobile phone industry was boasting in December 2024 that outdoor 5G mobile cover was available to 90-95% of premises in the country. Even the WHO and the BBC have to admit that mobile phone radiation “may cause cancer in humans”. And, as one researcher explains, 5G in particular involves people being “bombarded by really high frequencies at low, shortrange intensities creating a yet more complicated denser soup of electrosmog” with the risk of skin cancer, eye damage, heart rate changes, lowered immunity and resistance to bacteria, not to mention the ill effects on birds, plants, bees and other animals.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Jabbing them to death. The truth about the surge in “sudden” deaths and mysterious illnesses since the Covid-19 “vaccines” were launched in 2021 is gradually being admitted. Particularly worrying (or useful if reducing the population level is your aim) is the effect on younger people and children, with statistics showing the death rate for the 1-14 years age group shooting up from below normal during Covid (which is telling!), to an excess death rate of more than 20% after the experimental jabs were rolled out.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

Encouraging them to commit suicide. Apparently not satisfied with all the poisoning and freezing, plus the threat of sending young people to fight for Ukraine, the British authorities are also hinting that their citizens – sorry, subjects! – might like to kill themselves. Days after controversial posters promoting suicide/euthanasia appeared across the London transport network, MPs voted through to committee stage the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which will legalise “assisted dying”.

But could there really be a conspiracy to reduce the population – and who on earth could be behind that?

In our latest publication, The Single Global Mafia, we cite a report from The Times in 2009 about a summit involving a bunch of billionaire “philanthropists”, which was “convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder” and discussed how to “overcome political and religious obstacles to change”.

It’s that word cropping up already, 16 years ago – the “change” so dear to Starmer and indeed to a certain former Labour prime minister and reviled war criminal who now heads The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

Times journalist John Harlow revealed: “Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority”.

Funnily enough, Gates was one of the first big names who came to visit Starmer in London after he became prime minister.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

[Audio version]

This article appears in the latest edition of The Acorn on the Winter Oak site. You can read the whole thing here, but below I am sharing the news-in-brief section, which very much ties in with the above content…

The UK will be “working in partnership with leading businesses, like BlackRock, to capitalise on the UK’s position as a world leading hub for investment”, announced prime minister Keir Starmer in November 2024. BlackRock is a Rothschild entity and, coincidentally, Starmer, his Jewish wife and their family belong to London’s Liberal Jewish Synagogue, long associated with the Rothschild family. As one astute commentator put it: “Starmer has sold the UK’s future to the absolute worst criminally corrupt corporate organization on the planet”.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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In the run-up to Christmas, Keir Starmer made what can only be regarded as an ostentatious show of allegiance to the global mafia. First, he named Trilateral Commission colleague “Lord” Mandelson as the new British ambassador to Washington. Mandelson, nicknamed the “Prince of Darkness”, is a serial Bilderberg and WEF attendee who was a friend of former Trilateralist Jeffrey Epstein and appears in the child-sex blackmailer’s notorious Black book. Then, having once pledged to abolish the House of Lords, Starmer packed it full of his cronies by bestowing peerages on the discredited gang of former Zio-Labour MPs who had pushed out Jeremy Corbyn with ridiculous “anti-semitism” smears.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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“It’s now been revealed that UK Government has handed responsibility for defining the country’s 2050 vision to Apolitical Foundation: a private organisation backed by global investments funds, and led by three Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum”. Ben Rubin exposes what he describes as “a total dereliction of duty by those who’ve been charged with running the country”.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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“Are masked police in England rounding up journalists, Jewish scholars of the Nazi Holocaust, and anyone else who speaks or posts anything that smacks of sympathy for people who are trying to fight back against the genocide they are experiencing? Yes, they are. Are they brutalizing said journalists and charging them with crimes punishable by up to 14 years in prison, for saying the wrong things on social media or in a speech at a rally? Yes, they are. Is the western media telling you this is happening, ever, at all? No, they aren’t”. Jewish-American musician David Rovics writes about the sinister wave of police-state repression currently afflicting the UK.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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“The BBC is facing an internal revolt over its reporting on Israel’s war on Gaza”, revealed journalist Owen Jones in a recent in-depth report. He spoke to 13 current and former staff journalists who mapped out the extensive bias in the BBC’s coverage and how their demands for change have been largely met with silence from management.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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Beverley Turner of GB News warns of a New Year push by the UK government to impose digital ID, “taking away a freedom which you and I have enjoyed for the whole of our lives”. The totalitarian wedge is currently being inserted via the spurious thin end of making it “easier” for young people to prove their age in pubs.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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In two articles, Iain Davis explores why there has been so little mention in “alternative” media of investigative journalist Richard D Hall’s persecution for having exposed the story of the hoaxed Manchester false flag, “which could not be of greater public interest or more damaging to the Establishment”.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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Video recommendation. The late Norman Dodd, an American banker who served as chief investigator in 1953 for the Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee), sheds important light on this network’s interest in WW1 as a way of achieving what is now called “systemic change” – a Great Reset. Needless to say, his investigations led to him being accused of “anti-semitism”…

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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A good summary has been written by Cynthia Salatino and Seba Terribilini of the near-unbelievable persecution of Covid dissident Reiner Fuellmich by the German wing of the global criminocracy. Facing trumped-up charges of financial wrong-doing, he has already been held in jail for 11 months, when the maximum length of pre-trial detention in Germany is six months. Fuellmich has been in solitary confinement since June and for his trips to the court he is escorted by armed security officers and placed in handcuffs and ankle shackles. If this sounds like something that might have happened in Nazi Germany or the USSR, that’s because the same gang is behind it.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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”In conversations I’ve had with friends who gravitated to Real Left, and who spit at the mention of the totalitarian, power-crazed Pfizer Left, we ask ourselves the what-are-we question. And with increasing frequency, I started to answer tentatively: ‘I think we might be anarchists’”. Interesting reflections from Rusere Shoniwa, who is also interviewed here.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon

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In a remarkable journalistic scoop, the Lies are Unbekoming website has secured an interview with Emmanuel Goldstein, who is “a recluse and to the best of my knowledge has never given an interview since he authored his underground classic The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”. Goldstein is also, of course, a fictional character invented by George Orwell.

The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon


The British Population Is Under Attack | The Liberty Beacon
