The best chambers to do your pupillage with — 2024 edition

Chambers Most List ranks sets on training, work quality, support and more

The best chambers to do your pupillage with — 2024 edition
It’s no secret that to put in a pupillage application takes time, effort, and a great deal of precision, and to be successful in securing an illusive and coveted spot is no mean feat. “Why [insert chambers name]?”, “what makes [insert chambers name] different?”, “what do you like about [insert chambers name]”? All valid questions for any gateway application or interview, but by no means easy to answer.

Whether you’re looking to draw up a list of sets, trying to cut down a long-list to focus on your favourites, or are searching for that extra bit of detail to take your applications to the next level, look no further. Giving you an insight into the quality of work and training, pupillage awards and drawdown, work-life balance, diversity, and more, Legal Cheek‘s 2024 Chambers Most List has you covered.

Featuring 50 chambers profiles — including a range of specialists, generalists, international outfits, regional players, and top City sets — nearly 1,000 junior barristers rank their chambers on a sliding scale across seven key categories.

We then crunch the data and grade the firms from A* to D, accordingly. Below is a list of our scorecard categories.

Scorecard categories

Work quality
Social life
Work/life balance
Legal tech

The 2024 Chambers Most List — featuring the Legal Cheek Survey results in full

That’s not all, though. In addition to these seven categories, we also extract exclusive data on other key metrics. What the pupillage awards are, how many juniors a set has, how many KCs, and, importantly, the number of pupillage spots up for grabs.

Survey respondents also submit anonymous comments to supplement the scores they give, providing valuable context, insight, and brutal honesty into what the work and culture at their chambers is really like. Below is a snapshot of some of these:

How stimulating is the work you do?

“Everything from £1 billion commercial disputes, to high profile human rights cases and battles for Premier League football teams, with a solid supply of interesting professional indemnity work — all stimulating and exciting.”

How is your chambers’ technology and IT support?


How do you rate the training you have received?

“Throughout pupillage I was supported to achieve my full potential as an advocate. Since then, Chambers has continued to arrange training for all members of Chambers in different practice areas to give us the opportunity to branch out.”

How supportive are your colleagues?

“Members of chambers operate an open-door policy, both literally and metaphorically, so you can almost always find someone to bounce an idea off or to generally lend an ear.”

How impressive is your chambers building?

“I do wish the carpets were nicer.”

How is your work/life balance?

“I like working hard and then relaxing completely, and chambers helps me to do exactly that. There is no pressure to do more than I want to do.”

Those graded A* in one or more categories are shortlisted for an award at The Legal Cheek Awards 2024, taking place this year at the Battlebridge Suite of Kings Place London on the evening of Thursday 16 May 2024.

Keen on a career at the Bar? Why not come along to The Legal Cheek Pupillage Fair on Tuesday 12 December. The free event is open to all students and graduates, and features a host of leading chambers and bar course providers, all in time for that important Pupillage Gateway opening.

The post The best chambers to do your pupillage with — 2024 edition appeared first on Legal Cheek.
