The BBC Fight For Propaganda | The Liberty Beacon

The BBC Fight For Propaganda | The Liberty Beacon


The BBC Fight For Propaganda | The Liberty Beacon

The BBC can’t even tell the truth in its own mission statement. The BBC can’t even tell the truth in its own mission statement.In an attempt to dupe us into trusting it, the BBC falsely claims that it is “independent, impartial and truthful.” Let’s dispense with this pap for a start.

The BBC is controlled by its state-given charter. It is largely funded at the discretion of the state, is ordered to report it activities to the state, has “news” reporting duties imposed upon it by the state and is regulated by the state. It couldn’t be less independent if it were a government department. Which, in effect, it is.

The BBC is not “independent,” it is paid not to be “impartial” and, therefore, certainly isn’t truthful. But its falsehood are in no way limited to its mission statement gobbledygook.

It has misreported everything from the strike footage it manipulated to the protests it lied about and terrorist attacks it fabricated in collusion with proscribed terrorist groups. The BBC is infested with paedophiles and adorns its own offices with sick child abuse statues while covering up the child rape and numerous other appalling scandals that frequently beleaguer it.

There is no need for any of us to “trust” any information source. But, if trust is something that matters to you, the BBC is just about the most untrustworthy “news” organisation on the planet.

The BBC’s news anchorman Clive Myrie—who according to my mum has has nice legs and a sexy voice—was selected to narrate this pabulum. His script had him say:

Disinformation you think you’re winning. Fooling people in the most sophisticated ways.

Of course, “disinformation” isn’t an entity. It can’t be rationally personified, but then rationality isn’t something the BBC is particularly familiar with. With its ominous soundtrack, the BBC’s mealy mouthed manifestation of “disinformation” was a thinly veiled attack on anyone who questions the pronouncements of the august institution the BBC imagines itself to be. When Myrie identified “you,” his declared “fight” was with us.

The BBC is a leading exponent of so-called “disinformation,” not an organisation dedicated to combating it. Believing the BBC capable of waging a real counter-propaganda campaign is like putting your faith in Crippin to advance food safety standards.

Let’s just consider the propaganda oozing out of everything Myrie was instructed to say:

You fueled hate and confusion, unleashed conspiracies, endangered lives, undermined democracies and you make our jobs seem almost impossible. Almost!

The BBC casts “all” people trying to defend their communities from socioeconomic oppression and exploitation as “far-right thugs.” It propagandises on behalf of selected terrorist organisations and falsifies reports on protests to mislead the public into fearing nonexistent threats. The BBC does everything it possibly can the perpetuate the myth of the Clash of Civilisations. The BBC is a hate-monger.

Throughout the pseudo-pandemic, BBC state propaganda—including the perpetual misreporting of mortality statistics—unquestioningly promoted lockdowns, masking, social distancing, the closure of health and other essential services and the rollout of experimental drugs on an entire population. As many people warned at the time, these policies—not a relatively innocuous respiratory illness—killed and continue to kill hundreds of thousands. Everyone who correctly warned of the consequences, including leading scientists and physicians, were castigated as conspiracy theorists and dangerous subversives by the BBC. BBC hypocrisy is almost beyond comprehension.

A conspiracy theorist is anyone who questions the diktats of the “epistemic authorities.” The BBC and its individual propagandists, like Marianna Spring, are designated constituent members of the epistemic authorities. To be labelled a conspiracy theorist by the BBC literally means you question power. The BBC ceased asking such questions decades ago and is now completely incapable of serving any kind of public interest.

The BBC persistently produces propaganda to lead us into wars. It supports and promotes war—illegal and otherwise—on behalf of the state and spreads falsehoods designed to convince us to accept war, as if war were a necessity. The BBC has blood on its hands and is a clear and present danger to all.

Democracy has nothing to do with the trust we place in the institutions of the state, like the BBC. On the contrary, democracy is based upon some basic democratic ideals which include our right—and practical ability—to question the state and where necessary, remove it and its institutions. The BBC would have us all believe that by questioning power—conspiracy theorising—we undermine what it deceitfully calls democracy. That is to say, the BBC is among the epistemic authorities that are utterly opposed to democratic ideals and seek to control society for their own ends. The BBC serves and protects tyranny, not democracy.

“We” are making the BBC’s job seem “almost impossible” because, in ever greater numbers, we don’t believe it and question its propaganda. But the BBC has little to fear from what we think, despite its feigned struggle.

The BBC is a loud voice within the legacy media. As such, it is defined by the United Nations as among the “the gatekeepers of news and information:” state propagandists protected by the state.

While the UK state is trying to censor all of us through the Online Safety Act, the BBC is specifically exempt from its reach. Now it wants us to imagine it faces some sort of existential fight when, in truth, we are all under attack from the BBC.

Myrie droned on:

The more you try to drown out reality, the harder we’ll work to verify the facts. And, with our expertise, you have nowhere to hide. We’ll find your sleights of hand and expose them. So, no matter how hard it gets we’ll never give up.

People don’t need anyone to verify facts for them. We are all, each and every one of us, capable of deciding the facts for ourselves. We might be wrong, but a self-aggrandising state propaganda outfit that claims the mythological power to define the truth deserves nothing but our disdain.

The only thing the BBC ever exposes is the official narrative it wants to focus our attention on. Its so-called experts are deemed expert by the BBC because they slavishly parrot or fit in with whatever opinion the state and the BBC want us to trust. Dissenting “expert” analysis is either ignored or vilified by the BBC.

The BBC’s feeble attempts to paint itself as a bastion of investigative journalism is an insult to our intelligence. It is a stenographer for the state. It investigates nothing and simply reports whatever it is told to report. That it is seriously trying to impose itself upon us as some sort of omniscient media presence is utterly farcical.

The BBC’s desperate attempts to hold on to its dwindling audience are quite pathetic and, if this laughable “Fight for Truth” propaganda is supposed to assist those efforts, it provides yet more evidence of the increasing chasm between BBC News and the audience it disingenuously claims to serve. BBC News is a rank state propaganda operation easily ignored. Its assumed gravitas is an illusion seen only by its captive true believers. Once you realise its “coverage” and “reportage” is biased junk, it is just another media outlet peddling its frequently clueless and invariably manipulative news product.

I don’t care what the the BBC says, and I’m not alone. Despite its immense resources it is losing the information war. The public are abandoning it in their millions and with good reason.

That said, if the BBC is going to try to ram its pitiful PR dross down my throat, I reserve the right to object. I certainly don’t support the BBC financially and strongly suggests you don’t either—if you still do.

So please share this article, because it is beholden on all of us to ensure that the BBC does eventually “give up.” Presumably it will when the state finally accepts that we have made its BBC propaganda completely irrelevant.

