That moment where you flub your setup so badly that you literally blow yourself up in Mortal Kombat 1

That moment where you flub your setup so badly that you literally blow yourself up in Mortal Kombat 1

Choosing the right Kameo in Mortal Kombat 1 might be just as important as picking your character. Perhaps even more so considering that a good Kameo can make or break a combatant’s entire game plan.

Inevitably, one simple slip up can cause everything to fall apart even if the idea initially seemed good on paper. Needless to say, X-Azeez recently posted an amusing clip that showcased a player completely missing his setup and losing because of it.

Sikander, the Sub-Zero player in the clip, was in a pretty rough spot considering that he only had about a sliver of life remaining while his opponent had about 40% of their life bar left. Despite this, he still had a pretty major advantage as his opponent was now trapped in the corner.

Though things were overall looking bad for Sub-Zero, one good opening could’ve potentially led to a comeback. As such, Sikander didn’t seem ready to give up just yet.

During one of Sub-Zero’s combo sequences, Cyrax was called as a Kameo to perform his self destruct. While this can be a powerful tool, the controlling player has to be aware that the explosion from the attack is capable of damaging both players, though less damage will be dealt to the ally fighter.

In hopes of keeping his opponent trapped in the corner with the self destruct process inevitably going off, Sub-Zero opted to use a dive kick against a blocking opponent. However, it was at this moment that the opponent decided to simply jump out.

Inevitably, this caused Sub-Zero and Kenshi to switch places. Now, Sub-Zero was trapped in the corner with a bomb that was about to go off. Check it all out in the clip below:
