Thanos actually has the full Infinity Gauntlet with all of its powers at once in the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite & Beyond mod

Thanos actually has the full Infinity Gauntlet with all of its powers at once in the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite & Beyond mod

The Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite & Beyond mod project is shaping up to be something special to hopefully breathe new life into the crossover fighting game that’s been long abandoned by the original developers.

One of the more interesting additions and changes showcased during the recent Infinite & Beyond Direct presentation was Thanos actually receiving the Infinity Gauntlet.

That’s right, the mod team gave him the full gauntlet, which comes with its own unique buffs for the mad titan.

Now Thanos has access to all six of the Infinity Stone powers that he can freely switch between in battle, so he’s not just limited to the one Surge ability chosen at the character select screen.

This means he could theoretically toss out a Reality Stone projectile, dash in with the Time Stone and try and land the Mind Stone command grab within seconds.

While the gauntlet does give him all of the regular powers, it does not give the titan each Storm activation to choose from, so he’ll still just have the regular version on that front.

Does this sudden addition of five more options suddenly make Thanos busted?

Maximilian says that after months of testing with top-level Marvel players, it does not at all.

The Infinity Gauntlet does make him a bit better overall, but more importantly, it makes him more fun, according to Max.

It does make us kinda wish, however, there was a special boss version of Thanos that had all of the Infinity Stones in the base game as well.

Technically, they’ve already been working with Thanos having all of the stone powers in the Beyond mod for a while, but now they have the actual gauntlet in there to complete it on a visual front.

Obviously, there’s a lot more going on with the MvC mod beyond Thanos too with an updated UI, new music, new character portraits and new costume colors all making hteir way into the ambitious project.

They’ve also added some really cool new crossover menu artwork from community artists to give the game more of a fun vibe too.

Even after six months and presumably thousands of combined work hours between the team, more work needs to be done before Beyond is ready for a public release on the PC version of Marvel Infinite — and we really hope the project makes it to the finish line.

You can check out the new Thanos in action below in Max’s video, which picks up around 40 minutes in if it doesn’t start there automatically.
