Terry shows concern for Ken’s weakness after beating him and pays his respects to Ryu in his Street Fighter 6 win quotes

Terry shows concern for Ken's weakness after beating him and pays his respects to Ryu in his Street Fighter 6 win quotes

It’s officially September, which means we are now in the month of Terry Bogard. The iconic SNK contender is joining the Street Fighter 6 roster as Season 2 DLC later this month, and fans could not be more excited about him.

As we lead up to Terry’s big release, folks online are sharing everything they can about Terry based on footage we’ve seen posted from numerous content creators. A glimpse at a couple of Terry’s Street Fighter 6 win quotes has surfaced that show the stark difference in how the guest fighter interacts with fellow iconic video game characters Ryu and Ken.

Now, Ken and Terry have a history that implies the two are familiar and friendly. Over the years (but most notably in Capcom vs. SNK 2), the two have shared special pre-fight intros where Ken takes ahold of Terry’s hat, then chucks it over to him before they throw down.

We have also seen things like the recent reveal of some of Terry’s Street Fighter 6 arcade mode artwork, which sees the two recreating a classic SNK art piece.

I say all of this to say that there seems to be an air of familiarity and friendliness between Terry and Ken, which shines through in the former’s win quote after beating Ken in Street Fighter 6. After winning the match, Terry asks Ken if he’s okay (no pun intended) and says his attacks appeared to be lacking this time around.

“What’s wrong? Your attacks are lacking their usual fire. In fact, they’re lukewarm,” Terry says to the usually fiery Shoto.

Clearly, Terry can tell that something is off with his old pal. Perhaps this is a reference to Ken’s life being in a bit of disarray in Street Fighter 6.

On the other end of the spectrum, though, Terry has nothing but respectful words for Street Fighter’s original poster boy. When it comes to Ryu, Terry acknowledges how strong he is, and almost seems to seek approval for his own prowess.

“I can feel the weight behind your punches. But mine ain’t so shabby either, right?” Terry says to Ryu after winning.

It’s interesting to see that Capcom makes references to Ken and Terry’s past in Street Fighter 6, which seems to point to the possibility of the Capcom vs. SNK series being canon. However, it’s more likely that these are just fun references back to those older games and don’t play a major part in Street Fighter 6’s story.

Terry is set to join Street Fighter 6 as the series’ first ever guest character on September 24.
